
Friday, January 21, 2011

the one with Ricky Gervais

I know since this happened almost 5 days ago now this is old news, but I wanted to share some thoughts on Ricky Gervais.

Gervais hosted the golden globes on Sunday. I would say the few parts I saw were pretty awkward. I guess he is funny… but also… not so much joy… Soo likes him as do many others
I guess I could see how he created the office… by the way wouldn’t it be interesting if he took over for Steve Carrel and became the new boss on the office?
(still i think Kevin is the funniest part of the show, every show)

At the end of the show he said “And I thank God for making me an Athiest”

I saw another quote from him “If only one person believed in God, he’d be called crazy, but since it is popular it is accepted.”

In reply:

Well, of course if only one person believed something the rest of the world would think he is crazy. No one would argue that. People probably thought Rosa Parks was crazy for sitting in the front of the bus. When MLK spoke of his dream, people thought he was crazy. JFK wanting to put a man on the moon was crazy.
People thinking you are crazy, doesn’t make it less true.
If you were the only one to believe there wasn’t a God, people would think you were crazy too… but it is actually quite popular to not believe in God, so… it’s not thought to be that crazy.

It really is crazy though – I admit it.
The Simpsons do an episode where Marge goes to an insane asylum after admitting she prays to God. She talks to someone she can’t see. That is pretty crazy.

And y’know what is even more crazy? That a man would claim to be God. How crazy is that? I mean, if I heard a person say he was God, I would pretty quickly dismiss him… which is what most people did with Jesus.

But even more crazy… that God- the all-powerful, self-sustaining, creator of the universe who has everything – would come down and become a man. Become a baby even… be completely dependent… and have nothing… and then be mocked & humiliated… and die a gruesome death on a cross.

You know, I am amazed every time someone says they believe it. It is quite ridiculous.

And I believe it.

Perhaps I am a fool.

Of course, there are those who die to defend this truth.
Jesus died.
And so did His disciples. Died gruesome deaths.
People were stoned to death, burned to death, put on crosses, executed, jailed, cut in half… horrible things… and it still happens!
People still die.

Jim Elliot went to the Auca Indians in Ecuador… and people warned him he;d be eaten alive by cannibals….
And he did

Was he a fool?
He said “He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”
… I agree.

Ricky Gervais can make fun of anyone he wants to.
He can be bitter towards others.
He can make his movies mocking God, and can mock God in public.
And he can enjoy his millions of dollars.

I hope him the best.

But I do think it is sad.
Because he gives thanks to God for making him an atheist.
But really… in day to day life – who does he give thanks to?
When things go really well- does he just pat himself on the back?
Does he just consider himself lucky and smile.
Doesn’t he want someone to thank?

Hey, that’s no reason to believe in God.
But it is one of the perks.

Believe God because He is true, He is real.
I think the evidence is overwhelming.

Where did we come from if not from a designer?
There has to be a beginning point.
And how does matter become something like human with emotions and feelings and will and love?
Sure, we can’t see God, but we can’t see love, and we believe love exists. We can’t see wind, but we can see the effects of the wind.
And we have Christ… who proved Himself by coming back from the dead. It is far-fetched perhaps… but why were so many willing to die? Would they die for a lie? All of them? Look at how different their lives were after the resurrection.

I believe God is true. Even if I look like a fool.

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