
Thursday, October 6, 2011

The thing about Steve Jobs

I am writing this on a Mac.
I had said I never wanted a Mac and never would get one. 
In college, as a writing major, we had to use macs all the time – apparently they were great for design… but at Purdue, they were just old…

and I hated not having my right click/left click buttons…

later, I thought it was just ridiculous how expensive they were… and it all just felt like a fad, like something popular… but... I broke down. I got a mac.

It has been good. I am no mac apologist, but I do love my Ipod touch. And my computer has lasted me longer than previous computers… and I hope to by an Ipad some day…

About 13 hours ago I found out Steve Jobs had died… I was mildly surprised, but didn’t realize how much his death would impact so many people (then again I still don’t understand why John Lennon’s death was so impactful on others).

I began reading some things about him- and he certainly led an interesting life.
Put up for adoption… rejected by original people… college drop-out… formed Apple before he was 20… filthy rich by 30… fired from the company he formed… made Pixar what it is today… revolutionized the computer industry… entriguing lifestyle…and battled cancer… The only question is who plays him in a movie? 

Soo & I watched his Stanford commencement speech. Which was really good.
It was so good in fact, we framed our date this afternoon around it.

His words were inspirational, visionary & challenging…
You should watch the video.

Steve Jobs was a visionary. He is an inspiration. His innovations changed the computer world – and thus he had a huge impact on the world as we know it.

Not only are his inventions being used, but now his words are being quoted, and shaping many more young minds.

And his words are inspiring, they are challenging… but in the end, they are still just human words of human wisdom.

And we must remember they are not the words of God. Words of a god you may say, but now the words of God. So thus, while there is a lot to be gleaned from his life & his wisdom, it still falls short.

Living each day as it were his last
Truly Steve Jobs was not the first person to live this way. Steven Covey has challenged millions to begin with the end in mind. Steve Jobs wanted to live each day as if it were his last. He wanted to make a difference.
And a difference he made.
In his time on earth, he made a difference. In fact, the difference he made will influence generations beyond him.
But there will come a day when he is forgotten. There will come a day, when new technology will be introduced. And while he still would have influenced the world… what if there were something more?

What if he lived for something beyond his lifetime & for something beyond this world. He lived everyday as if it were his last to make a difference… he brought beauty & convenience and pleasure… but what if there were something even more meaningful, something even more important?

There is no reason not to follow your heart
He makes a great point that “your time is limited, so don’t waste living someone else’s life. And he also right to say there is intuition in the heart that knows what is best…
But our hearts can deceive us. Our hearts are wicked. And intuition isn’t always best.

You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
We do need something to trust in. Without anything to trust in, how will we get by? What will motivate us? How will we keep going?
But will just anything do?
He hits on a big point- that we all do trust in something. We may not realize it, but there is always something pulling us or pointing us to make the decisions we do. Without anything, there is no drive, there is no life.
But will anything do?
I suppose many things could work… but will it be sustaining? Is it worth trusting? Is it something to cling to?
His meaning surely is – Whatever works… so that you follow your heart. Follow your self.
He comes to a point of recognizing there is something beyond himself… but doesn’t recognize something greater than himself (or ourselves).

Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it
And now Steve Jobs shares that destination. He also was not able to escape it. He made billions of dollars, did things he loved doing, had an adventurous life, achieved success, fame & acclaim, and made impact on the world… but he still died.

Steve Jobs got it right in so much. But he missed it.
He made a difference in this world, but he could have made such a bigger difference. His impact will influence thousands of years, but he could have had an impact on eternity. His heart led him & led him to happiness that many will never experience, but he could have had joy unspeakable for an eternity.
We all need something to get us through the difficult times, we all need something to move us & direct us- but there is a specific someone… and that someone is the one who didn’t avoid death, but one who did overcome death.

Jesus overcame death. He is worth following more than your heart. And a life given to following Him and living His life is worth following. He is the One you can trust in the midst of difficulty, the One you can trust to work out the details, the One who will take care of you, protect you & love you. And He is the One who makes your life significant. He is the one who satisfies. And the impact you have on the world for the glory of Christ- is the impact that will last and will change the world in ways beyond what we can wildly imagine.

Many are saying today Rest In Peace Steve Jobs.
And I hope, by God’s grace, that he found his way to Jesus.
Jesus said  “…Come unto me and I will give you rest…”

I thank God for how he used Steve Jobs. I pray for his family. And I pray for you. May you change the world by being a witness of Christ. May you make an impact for eternity. May you find faith in God who is in control of everything. And may you experience Life, instead of death when you die.