
Saturday, November 6, 2010

The one with a call

When you hear the word “Calling” what do you think of?

If you’re like most, you’re thinking of a special calling and/or vocation and the rest of your life.

We think what is God’s will for my life. We want to know God’s will, and do everything to discern it. When instead of trying to know God’s will, we should be simply seeking to know God.

While I believe God has a specific call on our lives, I think we get lost in a similar vain.

There is a specific call… and there is a general call. And if we considered the general call, the specific call would be easier to discern.

When we think of being called, what do we want to hear?
Maybe- where? When? How long? What will I do? What are the benefits?

Hey when a friend calls us to hang out or go to a party for a couple hours, we ask a lot of questions.
What should I wear- is it casual, semi-casual?
How long we gonna be out? When will we come back?
What are we gonna do? What are you gonna watch?
Who’s going to be there?

So, when we’re called for a lifetime, of course we’ll have questions.

In Matthew 9:9 Jesus calls Matthew.
What does He say?
If you’re Matthew, what would you be thinking? What would you do?
I’d be asking questions.

My friend Jason said “I’d be thinking Who are you?”

And that’s actually the key question.

See, when I’m called to hang out, the person asking the question makes a big difference. IF I’m called by my boss to work I may not want to go in. But if it is my best friend or wife, then I want to be there.
Or when I was single, and I was invited to a party, and I found out the girl I liked was going, I would be there- no more questions needed to be answered.

Since it was Jesus that called him, Matthew left all and followed. No other questions needed to be asked.

IT was because of who Jesus was, that He followed. Not because what they were doing or going to do. Not because what they were going to accomplish. It was because of who Jesus is.

Acts 20:22-24 Takes it a step further.
Matthew doesn’t know what is going to happen. Paul knows bad things are going to happen – but He still follows, He still goes. He is willing to go and wants to go- because of who is leading Him- the Holy Spirit.
IF the Holy spirit is driving, I’m in.
Others try to stop Him, but Paul’s not staying behind if the Holy Spirit is going somewhere else.

Truth is, if my wife is going somewhere, I want to be with her. Even if it’s out shopping, I’ll go. I’ll watch terrible tv shows, because I want to be with her.
Of course I’m following the Holy Spirit, even if trouble awaits me

The thing is:
I want to manage my life. I want to know what I’ll be doing. I want to know how long it will take. I want it to be easy. I want it to be worth it. I want it to be manageable at least.

God says none of that is important- all that is important is that you follow me and you are with me where I take you.

We are called to follow Christ. 
We want to know what to do, but we don't always want to follow. The Rich young Ruler wanted to know what to do, Jesus said follow me... worry about the details later...

We need to follow Him, wherever He tells us to, whenever He tells us to and do whatever He tells us to do.

If we would follow Christ – and all of us are called to follow Christ, then His specific plan and call on your life would be easier to see.

We need to submit to Him and follow Him – even if we don’t know what will happen, or how inconvenient it will be, or even if it does look difficult.
Because of who He is.
Follow Christ.

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