
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The thing about Tolerance

America is all about tolerance.
The worst thing you can be in America is intolerant.
And the ultimate good seems to be tolerance… or so they say.

Of course, what they mean by tolerance isn’t tolerance – it is acceptance.

Accepting other people is great. Tolerating people should be acceptable… but it’s not in American culture. Tolerance is not tolerated. Only Acceptance is acceptible

While people say they are about tolerance & diversity, they only tolerate that which they agree with – which is not really tolerance is it?

There are certain things which become issues anyway…
1.     Things that are trendy & popular
2.     Things that don’t really affect them personally
3.     Things that oppose a Biblical world-view (or so it seems)

Sometimes though, the people who are proclaiming and fighting for tolerance are not acting tolerant at all – or at least not enough.

Around 9/11 there was a lot of hubbub about a Mosque going up at Ground Zero. For all those crying tolerance & understanding- were they really being understanding & sympathetic to those who lost loved ones there who were offended by it?

And then people said instead of a Mosque build a religious epicenter.
They think they are promoting tolerance.
But that is not tolerant at all.
The Muslims don’t want a multi-religious center! Don’t you know anything about Islam at all???!!!
They believe in ONE God. That is core to their belief. Say what you may about their belief on Jihad- they will agree there is only one God. And anyone else is an infidel.
(But Americans are too arrogant to actually look at what they believe r even say – b/c they are arrogant enough to think only Americans could/would think that way).

The recent recant of “Don’t ask Don’t tell” is also making airwaves. I don’t know for sure, but I thought initially this was established to protect gay men & women from being prejudiced against. This was saying someone’s sexual preference has no regard on their ability to do this job, so why is it important?

It seems like with gay rights, it is not about equal standing, but they get more rights.
But can’t we just treat each other like human beings?

The thing is, tolerance does not equal love.

This should be our real aim. Love. Equality is a result of love. If we aimed at love, equality, acceptance, tolerance would all be achieved.
Perhaps people set their aim too low!

However, some people don’t want love, they just want acceptance.

Is it loving to let a girl engage in anorexia? She wants to be accepted for what she does because it makes her feel good – but it is destroying her body and her psyche. Do we stop her?
How about an alcoholic. They like drinking, they enjoy it. Do we tell them to seek help?

Now, people may send religious freedom and sexual preference have nothing to do with this. And it is different, but for those who have faith in the Bible, we aim to help & love.

Tolerance in America has become a religion. To say all beliefs lead to the same path is to assert one’s belief of God & eternity. To say certain people deserve acceptance and kindness, while others deserve to be mocked, humiliated and hated shows one’s view of man. And to say all lifestyle choices are ok, show one’s view of right & wrong.

As Christians, we should aim to love. We should seek to understand and show kindness. We should not tolerate sin or anything that goes against God’s righteousness. We should not aim to be pleasing to man, but pleasing to God- while recognizing loving others pleases God.
And ultimately, we need to put the glory of God in Christ above all things – even if it is unpopular and not tolerated.

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