
Friday, May 26, 2023

A Devo on 2 Corinthians 1

                                                                … by the will of God

This is from 2Cor ch 1, though it could be found multiple places, but it stuck out to me as i read, just as i started to read, literally, in order to study. But i got stuck. Right away.

Paul, an apostle, by the will of God…

Paul is who he is, does what he does, has the title and position and responsibility and influence and impact - because- simply because - -  it is the will of God

He doesn’t earn this position
Or gain it…
It is not a result of his hard work
Or his personality or great gifts or strengths or talents,
Not because he is better at it than others
Or has special knowledge
Or gifted at learning and understanding and teaching.


No, he has the gift of calling, this position,
This special calling


The Lord called him.

It was HIS will.

He did not ascertain to it

Work super hard to it

Or have to gain the respect of others and acceptance from others.

In fact, in this instance- he has none of those things.

Even though Paul, may start out all his letters this way

IT was especially important for him to say it here, in this situation, to these people


They didn’t like him

Or didn’t respect him

Or something

They didn’t want him as a leader

Or questioned his actual authority

His apostleship

But Paul’s apostleship was not given by man

Not something he tried to attain to, or ascertain

He did not work for a degree

Or perform enough miracles

Have great numbers at teaching events

No, not because of his influence or ability.

Not because of hisknowledge or history/past


He would be the least of all apostles

Least of all people


But God chose him.

God willed it to be

And so it was.

God’s will cannot be thwarted

Even if the peopel didn’t want to accept it

Even if Paul thought maybe he was not worthy

(see people like Moses, Gideon, etc)

God willed it
  And it was.

That;s the thing about God’s will

  It will happen.

  It cannot be stopped, thwarted

God’s will will be done


So we must just submit to it, yield to it,
Let it happen

We don’t need to try to make it happen

- like Abraham who tried to help God

  - he lied about his wife to protect him instead of trusting God to take care of him

  - he tried to produce an offspring through Hagar- instead of trusting God’s good ways, His promises.

No, we can simply wait on God

 - maybe even like David- who wouldn’t strike Saul. We wait for God to fulfill His plan, His will - it is good, and it will come to pass. We just have to wait, ahve to trust.

And if God’s plans, God’s will is different than ours?

Well, then that is good too.

Why fight God’s will?

Why be like Jonah who ran the other way? Why try to force ourselves to be a king - like many of David’s sons- and thus make ourselves even enemies to God?

No, we wait.

We trust.

And we do as God wants.

We submit our wills, our desires, our hopes, our plans - to God.

He is good, 

His will is good.

His ways are good.

And He has good plans for us.

Cuz He loves us

And He is good always.

We don’t have to be apostles or leaders

Or famous

Or known

Or have impact

His will is good.

Jesus submitted to the will of God

He said not my will but they will be done.

And He went to a Cross.

He died a cruel deatj

And He saved our souls.

Paul, likewise called out to God to deliver him

But God did not.

Instead he said- my grace is sufficient for you.

And so- maybe somewhat reluctanly, who knows- Paul yielded to God

And decided to boast in weakness

For in weakness, God could show Himself strong

So thus

When he was weak he was strong.

We too can submit to the will of the Father, to the will of God

Indeed, we have no choice really.


Yet, we can choose to submit- submit gladly- and we can experience God’s presence, know what it is like to be like Christ- and experience Him/His presence with us. Joy will come.

Jesus set aside the pain

For the joy set beforfe Him

And suffered on the Cross

But in the suffering was joy.

For there is joy in following/ in submitting to the Father.

Where there is submission

There is hope

There is peace

There is faith

There is joy.

And when we rest in God’s goodness

We experience His peace.

When we have His peace

We can have His joy.

But we must submit.

And we must rest

Even if we’re not all we want to be

Or get to do all that we hope we can do

God’s will will be done

And it is good.

Sometimes i worry

Sometimes i get frustrated

I want to do more

I want to feel more accomplished.

I want to get more done.

And yet, all that happens- happens according to God’s will.

Where i am

What i get done

Who i am

- i am by the grace of God

And it is God’s Will

So i can rest

I can trust

I can love

I can live

I can give.

Nothing to worry about.

Just live as God has called me to

And walk into the paths He set before me

Trusting Him

Walking in accordance with His ways, with truth and in love.

Let me love people

Let me love God

Let me enjoy Jesus

Let me enjoy life.


O God, You are good

And Your mercy endures forever

You are good to me

And have good plans for me

Your will be done!


Pour out Your goodness and love upon me.

May i experience Your presence.

Be near to me.

Be close to me

And Draw me closer to You.

Use me as You wish

In accordance to Your will

To Your plans

Your good plans.

May i trust You

Submit to You

Yield to You

And yes, love You!

Lord, may i trust Your good plan

And not do more than You ask me to

And not try so hard to be something, do something

That i forget the most important thing:

To love You and to love others!

May i love my neigbor,

Love my wife

Love my kids

And may i walk with You

Day by day

Moment by moment

Every day

For Your glory, and for Your honor.


I give You this day

I give You this week

I give You this life, my life


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