Why is it so easy to develop bad habits and so difficult to develop good habits?
i read Power of habit at the end of last year... an enjoyable book, but it didn't really help me develop good habits... as i look back, i've noticed since we had kids or since we came back to America or something - we have developed some really bad habits, that is we have got into some routines and patterns in our lives that we can't seem to get out of and that we just do quite naturally...
It has become 2nd nature to turn the tv on as soon as the kids go down or we have down time. It is so easy to turn on the computer and glance at facebook before doing actual work. The first thing in the morning is to check my to do list (physically or mentally) or check my email, fantasy team or facebook.
There were some good habits like praying with the kids before meals or before bed. Or reading while on the pot... but too many bad routines...
The start of this year has been better... no kids around and no work to do has helped... i am afraid what will happen once life starts happening again.
i want to start my morning with prayer. i want to practice the Daily Office- that is have multiple check-in times with God be it a short prayer, or reading a Psalm or singing a song- i want, i need more connection with God. i want to turn to God in down moments and want my default to be God's word.
i want to develop habits/patterns of thanksgiving and praise and prayer and reading.
Anyone have tips for developing good habits?
Anyone want to help me and partner with me?
And i want to write more... so i finally got my first blog entry... hopefully this will be the start of many more here in 2014... read my blog and help me keep it up!
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