We had a pitch-in the other day after Church. We have gone to these several times, and only brought food once or twice. It used to be we didn't know or would forget... but now we get emails reminding us... this time we were going to bring something... but then Soo forgot one ingredient and couldn't make it... so we were going to skip, but wound up going anyway.
There could be a level of guilt or embarassment or shame since we didn't bring anything...
even though every time we have one of these pitch-ins or potlucks or whatever you call it, the pastor tells us to come even if we haven't brought anything.
In fact one time we had a guest with us. We were going to go to the potluck, but she told us we couldn't because we didn't bring anything. We tried to explain it was ok, but to her it was not ok. It is not right to go and take when you haven't brought anything.
Afterwards, i thought- isn't that the perfect picture of grace? We don't bring anything to the table, but we still receive. We don't add anything, we only take.
This last week further cemented it. We had good intentions, but failed. We still received. Or what of the meals that are brought but aren't as nice as others? Or have you ever brought something and then noticed it was so much smaller than what everyone else brought.
GRACE. We need Grace.
The potluck/pitch-in offers it. You bring small, you bring something not as good, you bring nothing at all- you still receive.
Now, some get angry. They feel like they brought a lot or they always bring stuff and others don't. They think they slaved over what they made and someone brought something that took them 5 minutes to make - is that fair? It is fair in the land of the potluck.
Jesus invites us to feast at His supper. He wants to come and eat with us. He doesn't require us to bring anything. He wants to fellowship with us. At the end of time we will go to the marriage feast of the Lamb. A glorious potluck! But it will be Him providing all the food, all the drink. We don't need to bring a bottle of wine or bring a gift. Nothing is required. Nothing we bring will add. And His spread will never end. There is enough.
i discovered later our guest who said we couldn't go because we didn't bring anything would eat meals at her church for $2. They would be $10 meals, but the church offered for $2- and that was ok. Perhaps she feels like she is paying something, so that is ok, but taking for free, not so much.
Aren't we like this with God? We want to pay something. We want to contribute something. We want to earn our keep. There is no guilt because we feel we paid something.
But the reality is there is no guilt, there is no shame because Jesus has paid it all. He provides for everything. We can freely enjoy His grace and enjoy His company. There is nothing we can pay. It is silly like offering a couple dimes for a million dollar meal.
In life, i do want to bless others. i want to provide a way for others to experience grace. And i hope i will allow myself to experience grace from others as well. And revel in the grace Jesus continually pours out on me.
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