The Twitterverse was buzzing yesterday afternoon with thoughts on Rob Bell. Rob Bell was a Trending Topic... until the Oscars came on (and man was that awful! Social Network should have won more. Christian Bale forgot his wife's name, Anne Hathaway was terrible, they cut some people off after 15 seconds and let others ramble for 15 minutes and James Franco- quadruple F would be a generous grade... but i i digress...)
Justin Taylor wrote this post calling out Rob Bell.
Many people did not like it
Ironically, they judge others for judging.
Interestingly, some hide behind a veneer of humility, while arrogantly claiming their interpretation is correct and others are not.
i would say this post was done well. The blogger showed some gentleness and instruction.
Kevin DeYoung's post was pretty good... but i'm still gonna write
Theology is important. It is not petty. And it is not trivial.
And Doctrine is not a matter of mere opinion. It is something we should fight over - for it is what we believe about God.
i believe John Piper, Josh Haris, Justin Taylor, Kevin DeYoung and others - are standing up for truth. Their aim is to protect the flock.
When someone stands up for God, they will be put down- often by their own people.
When David stood up to Goliath, the fiercest opposition came from the people of Israel and his own brothers. David had faith God, stood up for the character of God, and got berated by people.
Still i agree that perhaps Justin Taylor could have waited for the book to come out or done a better job prefacing his statements on the blog.
Even if he says he will retract afterwards if he is found to be mistaken, that is not a good approach. Slander is not something can be recovered from very quickly.
He is critiquing the video and not the book. So, i think that is fair.
However, i don't think Bell's stance is as clear as he or Kevin DeYoung say it is.
After reading some of Bell's other works, i find that his actual belief and teaching is very unclear. He play devil's advocate. His approach is to get the reader/viewer to think for themselves.
Rob Bell if you read this, let me say this:
i appreciate your penetrating questions. i like how you make us think. However, as a pastor/teacher you have a responsibility. You have responsibility to make your teaching clear and to make your teaching accurate.
Your goal should not be to sell books or generate interest or create a buzz.
Your goal should not be to help people feel comfortable going to church.
Your goal should not be to make people feel good.
Your goal should be worship in spirit and truth. Your goal should be to exalt Christ and the Gospel.
i like that you examine faith.
but i also think you tread on dangerous waters and ride on a slippery slope.
While our understanding of God and His Word are ever expanding, there are truths that need to be foundational- for everyone.
The Gospel needs to be protected.
When i worked with college students at the University of Michigan, i always loved working with those who came from your church. They were leaders. They were active in ministry. They knew your Word and wanted to know it more.
i didn't care so much for your nooma videos, but others loved it. And honestly, the way you take every day things and relate it to our faith & walk is something i do all the time. So, i liked it.
When friends were reading Velvet Elvis and raving about it, i took a look. i loved the first chapter... but it went downhill from there for me.
Are you a universilist or an inclusivist? i don't know. But i wouldn't be surprised.
You are an influential person and a leader. The Bible says you will face stricter judgment... so act accordingly.
i don't know where Bell's going with this, but i like some questions and thoughts he brings up
Then there is the question behind the questions. The real question [is], “What is God like?”, because millions and millions of people were taught that the primary message, the center of the gospel of Jesus, is that God is going to send you to hell unless you believe in Jesus. And so what gets subtly sort of caught and taught is that Jesus rescues you from God. But would kind of God is that, that we would need to be rescued from this God? How could that God ever be good? How could that God ever be trusted? And how could that ever be good news?
Jesus rescues you from God
We need to make sure our teaching is clear. Jesus rescues us from the penalty of our sin. He does in certain terms rescue us from the wrath of God. We cannot diminish the wrath of God in any sort. However, we also should not view God as our enemy. Nor should we view Jesus as separate from God.
The truth is this:
1. Hell is spoken of often in the Bible, especially by Christ. Hell is going to be a terrible place
2. God is wrathful. We don't like to hear it, neither did the people like it when Jeremiah spoke for God. He is holy. He hates sin. He is wrathful.
3. We need a Savior. And Jesus is that Savior
4. Those who have Christ have eternal life. Those who don't have Christ will be thrown into the lake of fire.
To diminish any aspect of God's character is an insult and idolatry.
To diminish Christ's work & role in our salvation is wrong and not worship.
Further, some say hell is simply dogma or based on tradition.
These days in America (yes i emphasize America) what is new is considered best. What is novel is what should be followed. While tradition can be problematic, it is not a problem in itself. Only when the tradition gets elevated above God Himself. We are wise to heed the teachings of tradition. Certainly it is not infallible. Only God's Word is infallible, but it helps us in our understanding of Scripture.
i can wish no one goes to hell. but that doesn't stop me from warning people of it.
While John Piper and others are not perfect. i don't always agree with them. i am glad for people who stand up for truth. Who do the unpopular thing, but shepherd their flock.
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ReplyDeleteto settle it all
this is even better