
Thursday, January 19, 2012

The thing about plans ( a devo on Proverbs 19:21)

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

I normally think of this verse when I think of wickedness. People with wicked plans will fail. We can trust God to be in control. Hitler failed, Stalin failed, God prevails!

But now I am seeing this in light of me.
I have many plans, some seems good, most… perhaps all certainly are not evil or bad. Yet, many plans don’t come to pass.
But the purpose of the Lord always comes to pass.
His will can not be thwarted.
He knows His ways, He fulfills them.
He knows what is best – best for His purposes- and that is what matters.
Not my purposes, His purposes.
Not my plans, His purposes.

So when I have a simple plan of reading my bible and someone calls and wants to talk… I have to admit this is His plan and accept it.
When I think I will get some time to work and my wife is not feeling well and I need to take care of her and the kids, this is from God.
When I plan to meet some friends and I am stuck in traffic, I must take this from God too.

And then there are big things...
You may have plans to be a mom or a dad or you may have a plan to get married. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, in fact it is a good thing. But God fulfills His purposes.
You may have had a plan to go into missions, but God didn’t provide the support. His purposes stand.
Can there be comfort in that?
(this is not something i may say to someone in the midst of suffering).
Nothing is out of God’s control.
Everything is in His hands.
He brings his purposes to pass.

We don’t understand, but God does.
It may seem like nothing is working out right, but in fact everything is working out perfectly.

We don’t like it often… but the thing is, we don’t like it because we have elevated our plans above His purposes.

We have to daily submit our plans to the Lord. HE is the King, we are not.
This is not to say He is unkind or merciless. This is not to say we can not beseech God or make requests. It is not even to say we cannot have plans.
But we need to submit our plans.

In fact, we should plan, we should have dreams & desires – but all need to be submitted to Him.

In the Bible, the disciples had plans to rule the government, to make all nations bow down, to rule. Jesus had different purposes. His purpose was to build the church and establish His kingdom in all nations, not one nation, and thru changed hearts and changed lives.
The disciples had plans to rule the world, Jesus had a purpose to save & change the world.
Joseph’s brothers had plans to harm him, God had purpose to use him.
Paul had plans to destroy Christianity, God had purpose to expand Christianity.
Paul had plans to go to Rome to spread the Gospel in Rome, God had purpose for Paul to write to bless the church for ages to come.
Abraham had plans to bear offspring, God had purpose to bless Abraham and the nations thru His work
Satan had plans to defeat Jesus, God had purpose to defeat sin & death

As for me, I may have a plan that I think will best serve God, serve my family & serve me… but I need to submit to the Lord.

I may have a plan to take my wife out on a date somewhere nice, but if she would rather do something else, I need to submit to her.
I may have a plan to read a book with my wife to develop our marriage, but if it doesn’t help us, then I need to submit that plan


Well, what was the purpose of the plan? The purpose of my plans in this case are to serve & love my wife and to develop our marriage.
But if it is not accomplishing that, then I need to submit.

In all things, our plans should be for the glory of God.
If God has a different desire, we need to submit.
Perhaps I have a plan to share the Gospel with someone. But then my wife and daughter need some help that is urgent. Could it be that God wants me to honor Him by loving my wife?
Perhaps I have a plan to go to a coffee shop and get some quality time reading God’s word – but then someone comes in and we talk for a long time. Could it be that God wanted to use me in that person’s life and thus honor Him?

I am not saying we submit to circumstances.
However, I do believe we need to submit to God.

I find myself getting very upset and very frustrated when my plans are frustrated.
My plans have become an idol.
I am so set on accomplishing my plans, I forgot why I had made the plans in the first place.

I plan to use time productively & wisely for the glory of God.
I plan so I may be a good steward of what God has given me.

Planning is good.
But when a good thing becomes an ultimate thing it becomes a bad thing.

In the end, God’s purposes prevail. And since His purposes are perfect and best- that is a good thing, and we can take comfort in that.
The Good News is: God’s purposes are good, and God’s purposes prevail. We do not need fear or worry in this life, but grow in faith and see His goodness & grace.

Lord, help me in my planning.
May I not plan for my own sake, just what I desire.
But may I make plans with the glory of God in mind.
May I plan for Your honor, not my own.
Lead & guide my plans and give me wisdom in planning.
And then Lord, I submit my plans to You.
May my plans never become ultimate.
May I hold onto plans loosely, always walking with You, waiting on You and looking at You for how You may want to work.
Thank You for being in control.
And Thank You for always making Your good purposes come to pass.
Thank You that You are wise and You are good and You are perfect and You are sovereign. Thank You for Your purposes.
And thank You that You don’t allow the world to run according to my plans.
Have Your way oh Lord in this world and in my life.
Be glorified. Exalt Your Glory, Fulfill Your purposes. May You have first place always.
I submit my plans and hopes and desires to You. Be glorified.

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