
Sunday, January 8, 2012

the one on Soo's birthday 2012

1-8 Soo's birthday.

Today i am thankful for... Soo of course!

i thank God...
1. Soo's smile
2. Soo's kindness
3. Soo is gracious
4. Soo loves me
5. Soo loves this family
6. Soo loves me family
7. Soo and i enjoy each other
8. Soo and i have worked thru conflicts
9. Soo is SOO Super Cute
10. Soo is such a wonderful wife & marvelous mom
11. Soo challneged me by her generosity & kindness
12. friends to celebrate Soo with
13. friends who babysit so Soo & i could go out

i love my wife.
And i thank God upon every remembrance of her.
i don't say it enough or think it enough, but i appreciate my wife.

i pray she would be blessed with greater intimacy with the Lord this year, that she would know Him and experience His presence & pleasure, filled with His joy & love.
i pray she would know His goodness and His kindness.
And i pray she'd grow in faith, walk with God, love well and grow as a wife, mom, person.
And i pray i love her well, i'd treat her as Christ, and treat her as Christ would - and that she'd know Christ more thru me.
i pray i would be a servant and care for her well. That i would put her above my own needs, encourage her often and help her whenever possible.
Lord, i thank you for Soo

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