7, 8 years ago i came to realization: the more people get to know me, the less they like me.
i probably felt it before, but i knew it then. The more people got to know me, the less they liked me.
They began to see the opinions and not just the easy-to-get-along with guy. They saw the serious side, not just the fun side - or vice versa. They had to deal with me and my depression, not just my laughter.
Yes, the more time people spent with me, the less they wanted to. The more they got to know me, the less they liked me.
And for years i have been battling that.
i conferred it with friends. Some verified it, other tried not to give in, just to prove me wrong.
i tried to "escape" the lie. - No, it can't be true! People like me!
But i've realized, this is a losing battle.
And really, i should not be surprised by it.
Why should i be surprised by this?
See, as people get to know me more, the more they see of my filth. That is, my sin.
i can hide my sin a lil bit, but not for long.
Every part of me has been stained by the fall.
i am not utterly completely bad, but i am totally depraved.
Not only that, but i am the product of living in a fallen world.
And people who respond are also fallen.
So... the more people get to know me, the less they tend to like me.
Now, Soo and some other friends perhaps will fight against this. She will affirm and tell me all the things that are good about me.
And it is true, some people like me - even after they get to know me.
But this is just like putting white snow on top of a big pile of poop.
The sin is still there. My fallenness is there.
i know, i know, i've shared this before.
but i'll say it again.
Instead of ignoring all that yuckiness and looking for good. i need to recognize my wretchedness and embrace my awfulness and see how difficult it is to love me. i am not lovely or lovable. i am disgusting and a mess.
The wonder isn't how easy it is for people to stop liking me or get upset with me. The wonder is that i am loved at all!
This is The Gospel.
i need the Gospel.
i am wretched, but God saved me.
i am awful, but i am liked.
i am disgusting, but God delights in me.
i am difficult, but the body of Christ deals with me and helps me.
We need the Gospel in our community. We need to extend the Gospel to others. And we need to embrace the Gospel.
Stop making much of ourselves and start making much of God and His Gospel.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The thing about sin & mistakes
We treat mistakes as if it were sin and sin as if it were a mistake
i drop a plate. i drop a catch. i don't know how to answer a question. i fail a test.
These are mistakes. They are not sin.
i forget to do something important. i pay too much for something. i lose a check. i lose track of time.
These are mistakes. It is not sin.
But, these mistakes or other simple things can destroy me.
i begin to think how can anyone like me?
i am worthless.
What God want to do with me?
Sin on the other hand... we tend to rationalize, ignore, make excuses. We compare to others and think we're not that bad. Or we say, oh well, we all sin.
Everyone makes mistakes.
True, everyone sins. And everyone makes mistakes. But our sin is not a mere mistake.
Sin is rebellion against God. Sin is apathy towards the lover of our soul.
God hates sin.
And sin greives the heart of God.
We should be greived by our sin too!
This is not to say we should wallow in guilt & shame.
But it is to say we shouldn't be so nonchalant about our sin.
We should tremble before God and come before Him in humility.
And we need to repent!
i notice sin and i confess. And i think i'm not that bad. Of course God will forgive me.
And we forget the basis of His forgiveness is in the death of His Son.
And we live just as we had.
Do i see sin as against The Holy, Almighty, Only God, Creator of the Universe? Or as an innocent mistake?
Do i see sin as something that needs forgiveness? Or something that needs understanding?
Do i think of sin needs to be repented? Or just part of life?
We need to see sin as sin, as evil, as deserving punishment, as awful.
And then we need to embrace the Gospel. Embrace the good news of God's grace & love & forgiveness.
And recognize our relationship with God is in good standing not because i am somewhat good, but simply the goodness of God and Good News of the Gospel.
i drop a plate. i drop a catch. i don't know how to answer a question. i fail a test.
These are mistakes. They are not sin.
i forget to do something important. i pay too much for something. i lose a check. i lose track of time.
These are mistakes. It is not sin.
But, these mistakes or other simple things can destroy me.
i begin to think how can anyone like me?
i am worthless.
What God want to do with me?
Sin on the other hand... we tend to rationalize, ignore, make excuses. We compare to others and think we're not that bad. Or we say, oh well, we all sin.
Everyone makes mistakes.
True, everyone sins. And everyone makes mistakes. But our sin is not a mere mistake.
Sin is rebellion against God. Sin is apathy towards the lover of our soul.
God hates sin.
And sin greives the heart of God.
We should be greived by our sin too!
This is not to say we should wallow in guilt & shame.
But it is to say we shouldn't be so nonchalant about our sin.
We should tremble before God and come before Him in humility.
And we need to repent!
i notice sin and i confess. And i think i'm not that bad. Of course God will forgive me.
And we forget the basis of His forgiveness is in the death of His Son.
And we live just as we had.
Do i see sin as against The Holy, Almighty, Only God, Creator of the Universe? Or as an innocent mistake?
Do i see sin as something that needs forgiveness? Or something that needs understanding?
Do i think of sin needs to be repented? Or just part of life?
We need to see sin as sin, as evil, as deserving punishment, as awful.
And then we need to embrace the Gospel. Embrace the good news of God's grace & love & forgiveness.
And recognize our relationship with God is in good standing not because i am somewhat good, but simply the goodness of God and Good News of the Gospel.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
the one with quotes on missions
I've been working on a couple talks i'm doing and been looking up some quotes... here are a few goods ones i found:
George Verwer:
I believe the reason many Christians are so dull
and lifeless in their faith is because they are not
in the battle,
not using their weapons, not advancing
against the enemy.
Without Holy Spirit boldness,
the world will remain unevangelised...
there can never be a substitute for the
power of the Spirit
working through willing men and women,
and that power will bring boldness.
It’s so easy to lose the vision for souls...
if you have no time to drop your important job
and tell someone about Christ, then you are
too busy.
I believe
that encouraging workers
to go overseas will actually
strengthen the Christian
ministry in the west.
Most Christians want all of the privileges and none of the responsibilities.
We seem to have a strange idea of Christian service. We will buy books, travel miles to hear a speaker on blessings, pay large sums to hear a group singing the latest Christian songs- but we forget that we are soldiers.
My life is full of unanswered prayer.
Not even 50 percent of my prayers have been
answered over the years, not yet at least.
I refuse to be
discouraged by this.
God is seeking men and women of reckless faith today...to be reckless in your faith does not mean to be unthinking, but the reverse - concentrated, single-minded in your concern that God should be glorified and souls won.
The Great Commission is more than a call for you or me to leave where we are and go somewhere else. There is of course a great need for people to go, but there is a greater need for each of us to take up our own responsibility as part of the church's response to the Great Commission; to be personally involved in it whatever our particular role may be.
There are four warnings that I often give to people who are considering missionary work. Firstly your heart will be broken many times and you will face many disappointments. Secondly you will face financial pressures, battles and problems and also a wide range of differences of opinion on life-style and how money should be spent. Thirdly you will discover that it is sometimes relatively easy to get started on a project but unbelievably hard to keep it going and at the same time keep the loyalty of the people with whom you are working. Fourthly you will discover that roots of bitterness can come in very easily in Christian work, which sometimes, due to satanic opposition, can be more difficult and complex than in secular work, especially when money and other motivating forces are absent. This is not intended to be discouraging. There will also be, of course, blessings and joy over breakthroughs in answer to prayer. Missions work can mean a lot of fun. Many of the missionaries I know are grace-awakened people who know how to get the most out of their lives. Keeping a balance though between faith goals and unrealistic expectations is part of the process of counting the cost.
"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply" — Hudson Taylor
"God isn't looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him" — Hudson Taylor
"The great commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" — Hudson Taylor
"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him." — Hudson Taylor, missionary to China
"Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God" — William Carey, who is called the father of modern missions
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose" — Jim Elliot, missionary martyr who lost his life in the late 1950's trying to reach the Auca Indians of Ecuador
"If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?" — David Livingstone
"Sympathy is no substitute for action." — David Livingstone, missionary to Africa
"Christ wants not nibblers of the possible, but grabbers of the impossible." — C.T. Studd
"If ten men are carrying a log — nine of them on the little end and one at the heavy end — and you want to help, which end will you lift on?" — William Borden, as he reflected on the numbers of Christian workers in the U.S. as compared to those among unreached peoples in China
"Missions is the overflow of our delight in God because missions is the overflow of God's delight in being God." — John Piper
"God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among the nations. Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global purpose." — John Piper
"You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving." — Amy Carmichael, missionary to India
"People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives ... and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted." — Nate Saint, missionary martyr
"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God." — John Stott
"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity." — Mike Stachura
"The true greatness of any church in not how many it seats but how many it sends!" — Unknown
"Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is — where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge." — Robert C. Shannon
"I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!" — Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China and Thailand
"God is a God of missions. He wills missions. He commands missions. He demands missions. He made missions possible through His Son. He made missions actual in sending the Holy Spirit." — George W. Peters
"The saddest thing one meets is a nominal Christian. I had not seen it in Japan where missions is younger. The church here is a "field full of wheat and tares."
Amy Carmichael
Amy Carmichael
"Brother, if you would enter that Province, you must go forward on your knees."
- J. Hudson Taylor
- J. Hudson Taylor
"Jehovah Witnesses don't believe in hell and neither do most Christians"
- Leonard Ravenhill
- Leonard Ravenhill
The more obstacles you have, the more opportunities there are for God to do something."
- Clarence W. Jones
- Clarence W. Jones
"Expect great things from God. Attempt great thing for God."
- William Carey
- William Carey
"Christians don't tell lies they just go to church and sing them"
- A.W. Tozer
- A.W. Tozer
"Today Christians spend more money on dog food then missions"
- Leonard Ravenhill
- Leonard Ravenhill
"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't."
- John Piper
- John Piper
"His authority on earth allows us to dare to go to all the nations. His authority in heaven gives us our only hope of success. And His presence with us leaves us no other choice."
- John Stott
- John Stott
"Today five out of six non-Christians in our world have no hope unless missionaries come to them and plant the church among them."
- David Bryant
- David Bryant
"We who have Christ's eternal life need to throw away our own lives."
- George Verwer
- George Verwer
"If God wills the evangelization of the world, and you refuse to support missions, then you are opposed to the will of God." -- Oswald J. Smith, Missionary Statesman
"Not, how much of my money will I give to God, but how much of God's money will I keep for myself." -- John Wesley
"The concern for world evangelization is not something tacked on to a man's personal Christianity, which he may take or leave as he chooses. It is rooted in the character of the God who has come to us in Christ Jesus. Thus, it can never be the province of a few enthusiasts, a sideline or a specialty of those who happen to have a bent that way. It is the distinctive mark of being a Christian." -- James S. Stewart
“Would that God would make hell so real to us that we cannot rest; Heaven so real that we must have men there.” – Hudson Taylor
Friday, January 21, 2011
the thing about activities
What do you do for fun?
What activities define you?
A couple days ago, Soo & I were going through His Needs, Her Needs the other day and came across a section of listing recreational activities to do together
Soo came up with 11, I came up with 45
I was pretty specific in most instances, though I did combine some.
I went back and listed them in order… then decided to lump some together – and still had 20.
The thing is, most of them were not things I do very often or do at all anymore.
Most of my favorite things are things I used to do- when I was in college, or younger at least.
I mean, I didn’t put down the highschool stuff… but I am getting old
How often do I play basketball anymore? Do I even play catch?
Of course, some things require groups of people – like Ultimate… or even freezetag… and other things you can only do when it is warm or in certain places that have the facilities like golf, driving range, mini-golf, raquetball, ping-pong
These days what do I do for fun?
1. sit in a coffee shop/bookstore/panera & read (or really any place and read)
2. watch sports
3. watch tv shows
4. watch movies
5. write
6. hang out with friends (and talk about babies)
7. Settlers of Catan
but when I look back, the most enjoyable times were
1. talking with a small group of people about life & God (maybe at a restaurant or a starbucks)
2. playing basketball
3. Late night conversations (maybe at dennys or steak n shake)
4. discussing theology
5. Ultimate or Football
6. Prayer & Praise
7. Tv shows like Seinfeld, Simpsons, scrubs
8. Watching sports
9. Discussing tv shows or movies
10. Playing catch (baseball or football)
11. Ping-pong
12. Watching bad movies & making fun of it
This morning (the day I wrote this) I was playing with Halle and asked her if she would be more like her mom or like her dad.
As I thought about that, I wondered what activities make me stand out? What is my niche
I first thought of the friends episode where Emma says her “first word” and it was a scientific word and it made Ross so happy… then I thought of the other episode when they were talking about how jokes are Chandler’s thing
On friends –it is so easy. Chandler is all about humor & jokes. Ross is all about science & history. Joey is all about his looks (or sex) and having a good time.
Even with real life friends, it can be easy to pick out.
For Soo, she is artistic, and likes shopping and is hospitable & serving and all about food.
I can think of other friends who are all about singing praise or others who are all about theology or all about reading or all about sports.
But what about me?
I’d like to think I’m all about God- but that’s not really true.
Some may think I’m all about missions. I don’t know there either
I used to be a sportsnut – but I’m not quite there anymore (or maybe I am)
What actitvity sticks out? Wasting time? Procrastinating? Eating junk food?
Maybe the better question is: What do I want to stick out? What activities do I want to define me? How do I want to be remembered or known?
How about you?
What is your niche? What activities define you?
How do you want to be known?
And I’m curious what do you think sticks out about me?
And what do you do for fun?
Comments welcome and appreciated
the one with Ricky Gervais
I know since this happened almost 5 days ago now this is old news, but I wanted to share some thoughts on Ricky Gervais.
Gervais hosted the golden globes on Sunday. I would say the few parts I saw were pretty awkward. I guess he is funny… but also… not so much joy… Soo likes him as do many others
I guess I could see how he created the office… by the way wouldn’t it be interesting if he took over for Steve Carrel and became the new boss on the office?
(still i think Kevin is the funniest part of the show, every show)
At the end of the show he said “And I thank God for making me an Athiest”
I saw another quote from him “If only one person believed in God, he’d be called crazy, but since it is popular it is accepted.”
In reply:
Well, of course if only one person believed something the rest of the world would think he is crazy. No one would argue that. People probably thought Rosa Parks was crazy for sitting in the front of the bus. When MLK spoke of his dream, people thought he was crazy. JFK wanting to put a man on the moon was crazy.
People thinking you are crazy, doesn’t make it less true.
If you were the only one to believe there wasn’t a God, people would think you were crazy too… but it is actually quite popular to not believe in God, so… it’s not thought to be that crazy.
It really is crazy though – I admit it.
The Simpsons do an episode where Marge goes to an insane asylum after admitting she prays to God. She talks to someone she can’t see. That is pretty crazy.
And y’know what is even more crazy? That a man would claim to be God. How crazy is that? I mean, if I heard a person say he was God, I would pretty quickly dismiss him… which is what most people did with Jesus.
But even more crazy… that God- the all-powerful, self-sustaining, creator of the universe who has everything – would come down and become a man. Become a baby even… be completely dependent… and have nothing… and then be mocked & humiliated… and die a gruesome death on a cross.
You know, I am amazed every time someone says they believe it. It is quite ridiculous.
And I believe it.
Perhaps I am a fool.
Of course, there are those who die to defend this truth.
Jesus died.
And so did His disciples. Died gruesome deaths.
People were stoned to death, burned to death, put on crosses, executed, jailed, cut in half… horrible things… and it still happens!
People still die.
Jim Elliot went to the Auca Indians in Ecuador… and people warned him he;d be eaten alive by cannibals….
And he did
Was he a fool?
He said “He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”
… I agree.
Ricky Gervais can make fun of anyone he wants to.
He can be bitter towards others.
He can make his movies mocking God, and can mock God in public.
And he can enjoy his millions of dollars.
I hope him the best.
But I do think it is sad.
Because he gives thanks to God for making him an atheist.
But really… in day to day life – who does he give thanks to?
When things go really well- does he just pat himself on the back?
Does he just consider himself lucky and smile.
Doesn’t he want someone to thank?
Hey, that’s no reason to believe in God.
But it is one of the perks.
Believe God because He is true, He is real.
I think the evidence is overwhelming.
Where did we come from if not from a designer?
There has to be a beginning point.
And how does matter become something like human with emotions and feelings and will and love?
Sure, we can’t see God, but we can’t see love, and we believe love exists. We can’t see wind, but we can see the effects of the wind.
And we have Christ… who proved Himself by coming back from the dead. It is far-fetched perhaps… but why were so many willing to die? Would they die for a lie? All of them? Look at how different their lives were after the resurrection.
I believe God is true. Even if I look like a fool.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My priorities
When people make their list of priorities, people often say God is their number 1 priority.
I don’t.
God is not my #1 priority...
because God isn’t something to be prioritized in life
– He is life.
He is part of every aspect of life.
He is central to every aspect of life
Even to say my relationship with God is my number one priority- what does that mean?
Does that mean your quiet time?
Keep God #1 as in time doesn’t make sense because God should be central to everything you do.
I can’t say the same about my wife or kids. And shouldn’t say that about my ministry.
God ought permeate everything. Walking with God is in everything. Whether I am reading the Bible or watching tv. If I’m sharing my faith or talking with a friend.
God is not a priority, He is everything!
And thus what are my priorities?
Acknowledging God is in everything, and I walk with Christ moment by moment, I yield on the Spirit to lead me and guide me and I do everything for the glory of God- what are my priorities?
I hope to enjoy God & enjoy life, have fun, grow, etc
What needs to take highest priority in life? Which will yield to the next
In what ways can I most honor & glorify God? In what ways can I love God?
1. Soo (my wife)
2. My kids (right now just Halle)
3. My team or community or church
a. Co-leader
b. Guys I’m discipling/coaching/training
c. Other guys
4. Spiritual disciplines/spiritual development activities/growing in understanding God’s Word
5. The believers I minister to
6. My best friends
7. My relationship with non-Chirstians
8. The other aspects of ministry
9. Personal & Leadership development & growth
10. Physical health
11. My extended family
12. My other friends
Something like that... it can be a lil fluid...
Oh Christ, be the center of my life
May i practice the presence of God in everything i do.
And may i keep the main things the main thing, prioritize appropriately, follow You, honor others, love well, glorify You.
glorify God,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
mook on breakfast (The thing about breakfast)
Dad is so great, he gives us chocolate cake…
I don’t understand breakfast rules.
You can eat waffles, pancakes, muffins, poptarts, cereal, breakfast bars… but cake? Cookies? You’re the worst person in the world.
The other day I saw cake sitting out, but I knew if I ate a piece, I’d never hear the end of it from my wife… if I waited 3 hours and ate it with lunch, I’d probably be ok….
Still, I love breakfast – it is the best meal of the day!
(Note: I didn’t see most important, though that may also be true).
It is the best, because it is the best tasting. I really should eat breakfast more often.
Some of my favorite all-time meals are breakfast
1. waffles
2. doughnuts
3. bacon
4. choc-chip pancakes
5. sweet rolls
6. biscuits & gravy
7. cinnamon rolls (Cinnabonn)
8. cinnamon bread
9. pancakes & maple syrup
10. pancakes and strawberry syrup
11. bacon cheese egg biscuit
12. scrambled eggs with cheese & bacon
I love eating breakfast at all times of day. There is nothing more wonderful than eating a waffle in the evening… and I love going to dennys at 3am- it is special!
The question now becomes
How can I eat breakfast to the glory of God?
1. Do I treasure the breakfast food more or God, the giver of the food more?
2. Can I give Him thanks, and thank Him genuinely when I eat?
3. Perhaps I can relish eat bite, and thus remind myself how God is more sweet than this.
Psalm 34:8 Taste and See that the Lord is good.
Psalm 34:8 Taste and See that the Lord is good.
4. Maybe I just need to recite verses about food
Your love is better than choice food
Man does not live on bread alone
Your love is better than choice food
Man does not live on bread alone
While God is more important than food, I think He wants us to enjoy food.
Jesus did after all feed the 5,000. And not because He had to, or because it was expected of Him. He wanted to. He wanted to provide a feast.
And in Revelation when it talks of Heaven, it talks of it as being the feast of the bridegroom.
Yes, I can eat breakfast to the glory of God
Yes, Dad is great! Let's sing praises to Him!
Bill Cosby,
glorify God,
Jim Gaffigan,
Monday, January 10, 2011
My Values
After doing my chazown (see previous post) and looking over my life and some thought
i came up with these values
i came up with these values
I value…
most important: glorifying & honoring God & loving God & following Christ - and most specifically as known thru the Bible
most important: glorifying & honoring God & loving God & following Christ - and most specifically as known thru the Bible
1. Knowing God
and rightly
in ALL things
and rightly
in ALL things
That is, I want to know God, I want to see God I want to experience God – in every circumstance, everything I read, everything I watch, everything I do – and in every conversation- I want to know God better, talk about God, see what God is doing.
Most importantly, I want to have intimate knowledge of God
And secondly, I want it to be truth
Most importantly, I want to have intimate knowledge of God
And secondly, I want it to be truth
2. True Community – that is Christ-centered, Authentic Community
that develops lasting friendships
which are both deep and fun
that develops lasting friendships
which are both deep and fun
Friendships should be places where we can share vulnerably, openly and honestly
I want to be some one who cares, and I want others around me to care too
I want conversations to be deep
And I want to share a lot of laughs and have a lot of fun
Friendships are very important to me & I believe Community is vital to growth and knowing God
3. God’s Glory in the Nations
4. Surrender to the Lordship of Christ
5. Faith
6. Prayer & Praise
7. Ease
Let’s be honest here: I want life to be easy.
Esp in relationships
And I will choose the easy way to do things, always.
The previous values come first… so if it goes against God, if it deters true community, if it keeps me from knowing God, then…
8. Helping others Grow
Really, the other values include that- esp #2… but also certainly #4… and when I say grow, I mean #1…& #2-4
9. Inclusion & Empowerment (with Freedom to Fail)
This is what I needed, and what I want to give to others
I suppose this could be in #2 or in #6
I suppose this could be in #2 or in #6
10. Fun/joy/laughter
11. Remembering/Reflecting
12. Self-discovery & self-evaluation
My chazown
While walking thru the bookstore i saw this book Cha-zown.... weired, but i took a look... and pretty interesting... actually it is stuff i love to talk about and teach on... determining your values and priorities and coming up with a mission statement... i didn't read the book, but i copied down the questions for self-reflection... then went to the website - and it's all there!
Are you trying to find your niche?
OR do you just like self-exploration?
Well, this may be pretty cool and/or fun to look at- as well as helpful
It's free
Interesting to me was the Spiritual gifts assessment... now i don't think all the gifts these tests say are gifts are Sp gifts- maybe they're talents or abilities... many are actually just position... and i don't know what to think of the supernatural gifts, but that is besides the point...
my top 5 from the test:
1. Faith
3. Missionary
4. Writing
5. Shepherding/Pastoring
It also helped me think thru values as i looked over the big events of my life...
i also like strength finder, though you have to pay for that
And i've been reading the Me you want to be
And i'm asking people to help me with Johari Window
i did it a few years ago.
Help me out
A lot of self-discovery... but hopefully not obsession with myself... Also working thru
"Doctrine" by Driscol and "For the Fame of God's Name" the recent book given to Piper...
Are you trying to find your niche?
OR do you just like self-exploration?
Well, this may be pretty cool and/or fun to look at- as well as helpful
It's free
Interesting to me was the Spiritual gifts assessment... now i don't think all the gifts these tests say are gifts are Sp gifts- maybe they're talents or abilities... many are actually just position... and i don't know what to think of the supernatural gifts, but that is besides the point...
my top 5 from the test:
1. Faith
3. Missionary
4. Writing
5. Shepherding/Pastoring
I always thought shepherding, faith and then maybe exhortation/encouragment or teaching or giving or hospitality…. Nevr thought wisdom
But when I asked Soo
She said insight and exhortation…
Never would have thought wisdom…
I don’t think writing is an actual spiritual gift… and I don’t think missionary or pastor is a gift either- but a position… but that is for another time…
It also helped me think thru values as i looked over the big events of my life...
i also like strength finder, though you have to pay for that
And i've been reading the Me you want to be
And i'm asking people to help me with Johari Window
i did it a few years ago.
Help me out
A lot of self-discovery... but hopefully not obsession with myself... Also working thru
"Doctrine" by Driscol and "For the Fame of God's Name" the recent book given to Piper...
Friday, January 7, 2011
11 things for 2011
i'm not big on resolutions.... but i do think setting goals is a good idea... and i like making lists... so...
11 things for 2011
11 things for 2011
1. 11 goals
1. Read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial, Hosea … and perhaps the whole Bible
2. Study Colossians, I Timothy, Exodus and Mark
3. Get down to 159 lbs and stay in the 145-160 range (Reduce pant size to 32 waist (maybe 31))
4. Memorize 100 verses
5. Pray for 100 different countries… maybe 300
6. Memorize the 4 Laws, names of the books of the Bible & our SPP in another language
7. Run a 5K, maybe 10 K or half-marathon
8. Learn how to cook something amazing
9. Write/Collect at least 30 devos from Deuteronomy or Write 100 devos
10. meet with a mentor/pastor
11. Go a week without looking at facebook, twitter or espn
2. 11 books to finish reading (as in i've already started)
1. Shepherding a child’s heart (1)
2. His Needs, Her Needs (2)
3. The ME you want to be (3)
4. Safely Home (16)
5. The Good News we almost forgot (5)
6. 66 love letters (6)
7. Redeeming Love (15)
8. Trusting God
9. Sp depression
10. Outliers
10. Outliers
11. An Ordinary Pastor (12)
3. 11 more books to read later
1. Doctrine (7)
2. Sex & the Supremacy of Christ (11)
3. Leaders who Last (14)
4. For the Fame of God’s Name (4)
5. Marriage builder (17)
6. Sacred Parenting (10)
7. A God-entranced Vision for All things (13)
8. The hole in our Gospel or Irresistible Revolution (8)
9. Coming Back Stronger (9)
9. Coming Back Stronger (9)
10. Multi-Cultural Teams
11. Scandalous
( overall in parantheses)
4. 11 guys to invest time with
1. Corey
2. Brack
3. Kevin
4. Dario
5. B
6. Sean
7. Ken
8. Marc
9. Jason
10. Mark
11. Ben
5. 11 things to do with Soo
1. read parenting book
2. read marriage/relationship book
3. read Bible together/devotional
4. pray together every day
5. Go on a date every week
6. Visit some place new together
7. Pray for nations together at least once/week
8. Go on a couple of double dates
9. Cook together for other people
10. Take her shopping
11. Baby-sit
6. 11 things to do daily
1. morning prayer of submission
2. journal
3. read Bible
4. stretch
5. pray for some ministry/nation/friend
6. something fun or read or pray w/ soo
7. interact with someone besides Soo
8. some sort of ministry(except on Sabbath)
9. memorize a verse
10. give thanks and/or sing praise song
11. read and/or write
7. 11 long-term goals/bucket list
1. Write a book
2. Write/Collect 365 devotionals
3. Outline or write summary for every book of the Bible
4. Go to Israel
5. Go to Rome
6. Go to Egypt
7. Go to the Grand Canyon
8. Go to Yosemite Nat Park
9. Start a trend – or maybe get a retweet
10. Run a half-marathon… maybe marathon
11. See a toilet go the opposite direction (S. Hemisphere)
8. 11 things I’m looking forward to in 2011
1. Our 1 year wedding anniversary
2. Halle’s 1st birthday
3. Enjoying a Sabbatical: reading a bunch and writing a bunch
4. Seeing our puppy again
5. Showing my parents East Asia
6. Taking a trip to Texas?
7. Taking Soo shopping/doing something that just amazes her
8. Halle sleeping thru the night Actually, I sleep thru the night
9. Halle’s crawling…walking
10. Purdue winning the NCAA championship
11. Speaking at campuses
9. 11 things to do before heading back to E Asia
1. spend time with my friends who live 1-2 hours away
2. call my friends who live in the same time zone or close to it
3. call my friends in Asia at least once
4. go to a book store and read for chunks at a time
5. buy stuff to take back
6. eat skyline chilli, potbellys, TGiFridays,
7. contact all supporters on phone or in person
8. sit down with a Pastor/mentor
9. share the Gospel
10. go to Purdue – a men’s basketball game & eat @xXx
11. get wings at BW3’s & watch some football
10. 11 movies I want to see
1. HP7
2. 127 hours
3. Dawn Treader
4. The Fighter
5. The Tourist
6. Thor (May)
7. Captain America (July)
8. Terminator : Salvation (Dvd)
9. Mummy 3 (Dvd)
10. Amelia (Dvd)
11. Shutter Island (DVD)
11. 11 things to eat before I leave America
1. skyline chilli
2. potbellys
3. Greek food: Greek Salad
4. Peruvian
5. Baker’s Square
6. Bleu cheese burgers
7. Buffalo Wild Wings – while watching a game
8. Gino’s East pizza
9. TGiFridays
10. Souplantation
11. In N Out
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