Some people may not like the term “Lost” when referring to non-Christians.
It seems so archaic and offensive.
It is implying there is something wrong with them, that they need to be found.
But this is how Jesus referred to them, because it is indeed their state. There is something wrong, they need to be found.
See, my puppy didn’t realize she was lost either.
She thought she had found freedom!
She had escaped from those who put her captive on the plane.
But the reality was, she was in a foreign city in a foreign place and she had no resource for food or love or comfort.
She had ran away looking for protection, not realizing those she was running away from- were trying to help her, protect her and reunite her with the ones she loved.
If she had gone with them, she would find what she needed and what she wanted.
If she would come to her senses and realized she needed help, she could have found it.
The non-believing world is like that. They don’t realize they are lost. They think they are safe. They think they found freedom. And they run away from those trying to help them.
They need to be found. They need to be helped. Even if they are rejecting it right now and opposed to it now.
We may not see it either. We may think they look free. They seem happy. But it is not the happiness they truly long for.
My dog was happy to be out of that plane. Happy to be free. But her happiness was not complete, but she was really looking for us.
We need to help people find Jesus. Even if they are running away from us, and running away from Him at the moment.
We may need to help them realize they are lost and need a Savior.
But when they do find Christ, they will find true freedom
It is not just non-Christians who are lost sometimes. We all get lost from time to time. We lose sight of what is important. Or we get lost in our own little world. We get lost in our ambitions, lost in our pride, lost in our pleasures, lost in our self.
In the parable of the prodigal son, there are 2 sons. The father goes out to find both. To run out to his younger son, one who smelled of pig, one who rejcted him- certainly would be scandalous. But to leave his own party to search out the older son would have been scandalous as well.
Both were lost.
One was lost in his pursuit of pleasure and wealth.
The other was lost in his self-righteousness and his effort
Neither was enjoying the father.
Both needed to be found.
How are you lost?
In what way is your heart lost?
Are you looking for pleasure outside of God?
Are you looking to yourself or your performance for your sense of worth
Have you lost focus on Christ?
We all need Jesus. We all need a Savior
Christ goes to the extreme length in giving up His life, so lost may be found. He found His joy in the Father. He found joy in the work on the Cross that would allow many to be saved and God glorified