
Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas wish list

It's the day before Christmas... did you get me what i wanted?

Living in America this year, I have become more aware of things I would like to have… or perhaps things I don’t have… or things I don’t have that others do have… or just how comfortable & entertaining life could be…

I find myself envious of others often.
And for perhaps the first time in my life I desire things.

I come home and I see the big screen tv in the apartment above us. I see cars drive by, much nicer than mine. We go to homes, that our homes:big, filled with fun things.

Or maybe it is all the advertising on tv… and online now too.

Sure, I’d love a nice big flat-screen tv… HD… y’know I’d probably settle for a tv with a remote that worked… and cable.

But I don’t really need cable… and we won’t be here long enough to justify buying a new tv (The tv we have was donated to us).

So, what do I actually really want?

1.     A cord for our digital frame (or maybe just a enw one, might be just as cheap)
2.     A nice robe
(I know… but I can’t walk around with my blanket anymore… maybe a snuggie would be ok, but it seems so commercial)
3.     Photo calendar
4.     Corduroy pants. (brown preferably… maybe black or tan)
5.     Chuck
6.     Scrubs season 6
7.     Seinfeld Season 3
8.     A X-box Kinnect or a PS3 or a wii – I think in that order… though not sure if I really want it
9.     New jeans
10. Books
a.     Coming Back Stronger
b.     Sacred Parenting
c.      It all goes Back in the Box
d.     Grace-based Parenting
e.     Ancient Words, changing worlds
11. Photo book/mug/etc
12. Family ties seasons 1-4?

Of course I may rather take
1.     Soo to be happy, encouraged & rested
2.     someone to baby-sit so I can take Soo out on a date
3.     time alone to read & write
4.     opportunity to go to Indy or Chicago to get some good food
5.     a Purdue championship
6.     be able to get all my pictures off my old computers… and be able to print them off
Some of my friends make all their gifts... i think that may be the way to go. Especially getting gifts for a spouse, when you share the same bank account... and it is much more meaningful than giving a check... 
and gift- buying is so complicated... who do i buy for? if i buy something for someone and they don't get anything for me, they feel guilty- or at least i do when someone does for me... then it becomes about obligation...

Reality is though, i do like buying gifts for others... i just like getting good deals... and i want to get the perfect gift... which makes it stressful...

Our first Christmas as a family - i want it to be a good one... we'll see how it turns out.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The thing about holiness

A few years ago when my friends blogged a lot, someone once wrote “Being a Christian doesn’t mean we have to be weird”

I’ve been thinking about that… and… I disagree.

You know, I used to love the stories how teenagers discovered that Church/youth groups/college groups were actually fun. It wasn’t weird at all.
In fact, I had that experience in college. It really helped me to see normal fun people in a group, and God used that to grow me.

But,… should this be our goal?
To be normal? To be fun? To be liked? To be accepted?

When I was at Michigan there was an article in the school paper about how Christians wanted to be accepted on campus.
It made me uneasy. We’re not looking for acceptance. We’re already accepted by God thru Christ. And if we’re going to follow Christ, He promises rejection and suffering. He suffered rejection and no servant is better than His master. If we are to follow Christ, we will be rejected.

But in our pursuits to be normal, aren’t we just fleeing rejection?

We are called to be holy as God is holy.

What does holy mean?
To be set apart.

To be set apart. To be other than. To be different.

What makes God Holy? He is different than the world. He acts in ways contrary to the world. He is pure & righteouess- not selfish & corrupted.

And if we are to be like God, we’ll be different than the world. And if we’re different than the world – isn’t that weird?

Isn’t this a small price to pay?
So, people think I’m strange. They don’t understand me. They don’t understand my choices.
If we are to be like God and be holy amongst a sinful, unholy world- we will be different. And some may feel uncomfortable. Many may make fun of us. We will be different.

We can’t be holy and be like the world.

The thing about Tolerance

America is all about tolerance.
The worst thing you can be in America is intolerant.
And the ultimate good seems to be tolerance… or so they say.

Of course, what they mean by tolerance isn’t tolerance – it is acceptance.

Accepting other people is great. Tolerating people should be acceptable… but it’s not in American culture. Tolerance is not tolerated. Only Acceptance is acceptible

While people say they are about tolerance & diversity, they only tolerate that which they agree with – which is not really tolerance is it?

There are certain things which become issues anyway…
1.     Things that are trendy & popular
2.     Things that don’t really affect them personally
3.     Things that oppose a Biblical world-view (or so it seems)

Sometimes though, the people who are proclaiming and fighting for tolerance are not acting tolerant at all – or at least not enough.

Around 9/11 there was a lot of hubbub about a Mosque going up at Ground Zero. For all those crying tolerance & understanding- were they really being understanding & sympathetic to those who lost loved ones there who were offended by it?

And then people said instead of a Mosque build a religious epicenter.
They think they are promoting tolerance.
But that is not tolerant at all.
The Muslims don’t want a multi-religious center! Don’t you know anything about Islam at all???!!!
They believe in ONE God. That is core to their belief. Say what you may about their belief on Jihad- they will agree there is only one God. And anyone else is an infidel.
(But Americans are too arrogant to actually look at what they believe r even say – b/c they are arrogant enough to think only Americans could/would think that way).

The recent recant of “Don’t ask Don’t tell” is also making airwaves. I don’t know for sure, but I thought initially this was established to protect gay men & women from being prejudiced against. This was saying someone’s sexual preference has no regard on their ability to do this job, so why is it important?

It seems like with gay rights, it is not about equal standing, but they get more rights.
But can’t we just treat each other like human beings?

The thing is, tolerance does not equal love.

This should be our real aim. Love. Equality is a result of love. If we aimed at love, equality, acceptance, tolerance would all be achieved.
Perhaps people set their aim too low!

However, some people don’t want love, they just want acceptance.

Is it loving to let a girl engage in anorexia? She wants to be accepted for what she does because it makes her feel good – but it is destroying her body and her psyche. Do we stop her?
How about an alcoholic. They like drinking, they enjoy it. Do we tell them to seek help?

Now, people may send religious freedom and sexual preference have nothing to do with this. And it is different, but for those who have faith in the Bible, we aim to help & love.

Tolerance in America has become a religion. To say all beliefs lead to the same path is to assert one’s belief of God & eternity. To say certain people deserve acceptance and kindness, while others deserve to be mocked, humiliated and hated shows one’s view of man. And to say all lifestyle choices are ok, show one’s view of right & wrong.

As Christians, we should aim to love. We should seek to understand and show kindness. We should not tolerate sin or anything that goes against God’s righteousness. We should not aim to be pleasing to man, but pleasing to God- while recognizing loving others pleases God.
And ultimately, we need to put the glory of God in Christ above all things – even if it is unpopular and not tolerated.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The thing about American pop-culture

As i wrote my year in review, i had to make mention of tv shows, movies and music... Why?
Because we are an entertainment driven society.
Yes, the entertainment world drives us.
This is why athletes and actors get paid so much money - because entertainment is the most important thing to us.
We skip school to be entertained. We wouldn't want to live if we're bored...

And the entertainment industry shapes people's beliefs & values...
The people most followed on twitter? Justin Beiber, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry...

Mark Driscol wrote this earlier this week too.

And being here in the states, see (and hear) how much the entertainment industry influences us... and we usually don't even notice.

Tv is telling us homosexuality is ok... normal... good.
Tv also tells us that premarital sex is a given - a given! Not an if, a certainty.
Tv tells us sleeping around is good. And it says divorce is accpetable... and often better than marriage.
We just watch it and accept it as normal.

- they did a show about religion and prayer and a grilled Jesus(cheeses)... It didn't matter who they prayed too. They just prayed so they could feel good. They sang songs for themselves, not for God.

- this show shows American culture... and what does it say about American culture? It is consumed with sex.

Its worse. Sure, the songs are catchy, but should we be listening to it?
They can't even sing! Katy Pery? Lady Gaga? Basically, they all use auto-tune...

Teenage dream. Ugh. Giving away your virginity... or just having sex casually...

The stuff we watch, the stuff we listen to... it affects us, it affects our hearts, our values, our belief system. What goes into us, comes out.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My 2010 soundtrack

i try to make a soundtrack/playlist for each month... some months i do well, others not so much... i guess sometimes i don't listen to much music... but music is everywhere... a lot come from tv shows... some may be church... 
Maybe next year i'll do better of listening, recording my favorites and posting for you


Overall top songs
1.     Lead me ~ Sanctus Real
2.     Stand ~ Hillsong
3.     It’s out of my hands ~ Jars of clay
4.     Hallelujah ~ Bethany Dillon
5.     Hallelujah ~ Jeff Buckley
6.     Marvelous light ~ Charlie Hall
7.     Shine ~ David Crowder band
8.    Our God ~ Chris Tomlin
9.    Let us come and sing and wonder ~ Jars of clay
10. I got a feeling ~ Black eyed peas
11. This is where the healing begins ~ Tenth Ave North
12.     Cannons ~ Phil Wickham
12. You are more ~ Tenth Ave North
14.     Baby ~ Justin Beiber
15. No not one ~ Brandon Heath/Christy nockels
16. Song of Hope
17. Just the way you are ~ Bruno Mars
18. Walking on the stars ~ Group One Crew
19. Short skirt, long jacket ~ cake
20. Airplane ~ B.o.B.
21. Mystery ~ Charlie Hall
22. The only exception ~ Paramore
23. All because of Jesus ~ Fee
24. Rhythm of love ~ Plain White T’s
Year-long soundtrack
1.     Party in the USA ~ Miley Cyrus (Sean Buerher knows what i'm talking about)
2.   O for a thousand tongues to sing ~ David Crowder
3.     Stolen ~ dashboard (such a fitting song for our wedding)
4.     Beloved ~ Tenth Ave N (this was the theme of our wedding)
5.     You make my dreams come true ~ Hall & Oates
6.     I can’t help falling in love with you ~ Ingrid Michaleson (our first dance)
7.     I got a feeling – black eyed peas
8.     Marvelous Light ~ Charlie Hall (this song was always stuck in my head)
9.     Arms wide open ~ Creed (going to be a dad)
10. How He loves us ~ David Crowder (Yes!)
11. No not one ~ Brandon Heath or Christy Nockels
12. Easter Song ~ Keith Green
13. Cannons ~ Phil Wickham (maybe my new favorite worship song that isn't a traditional worship)
14. Mystery~ Charlie Hall
15. Song of hope~ Robbie Seay Band
16. Afternoon delight
17. Long skirt, short jacket ~ Cake (watched a lot of "Chuck")
18. Story ~ Brandy Carlise
19. Lead me ~ Sanctus Real (My prayer)
20. This is where the healing begins ~ Tenth Avenue North
21. It’s out of my hands ~ Jars of Clay (My relaity)
22. Stand (i love it!)
23. Be Near ~ Shane & Shane (Please)
24. Let us love and sing and wonder ~ Jars of Clay
25. Shine ~ David Crowder (What an amazing video!)
26. Walking on the stars ~ Group one crew
27. Airplane ~ B.o.B.
28. Your name ~ Paul Baloche
29. You are the only exception ~ Paramore
30. Baby ~ Justin Beiber (i sing this to Halle)
31. Hallelujah ~ Bethany Dillon (i sing this to my lil Hallelujah too)
32. Hallalujah ~ Tenth Avenue North
33. Halleluljah ~ Jeff Buckley (This is our lil Hallelujah's lullaby)
34. He's got the whole world in His hands
35. Need you now ~ Addison Road (Soo's new favorite band after seeing them in concert)
36. Our god ~ Chris tomlin (The new big praise song, a fitting way to end)

My top tv shows and movies of 2010

Top tv shows of 2010
1. Chuck - the first 3 seasons
    love this show- reminds me of scrubs... fun, plot, on-going story, love interest, characters, mystery, etc
2. FNL (Friday Night Lights)
    i like it for the football, Soo likes for the soap opera
3. 30 Rock
4. reruns of friends
5. PTI
6. Seinfeld reruns
7. The Office
    didn't used to like it so much
8. Parenthood
    we're parents now...
9. Outsourced
   About American living in another culture... and it has Indians... even if it is awful...
10. How I met your mother (mostly reruns)
11. Raising Hope
12. Scrubs reruns (definitely not the new ones)
    still my all-time favorite show

Top movies (ones i saw for the first time in 2010)
1. The Blind Side
    i almost cried like 5 times..., true story, fun...
2. All the Harry Potter movies
    watched all of them, hard to distinguish- loved them!
3. Toy Story 3
    didn't care for the first 2... this one was great... expectations didn't let me down
4. Zombieland
    Jessie Eisenberg... i'd probably choose to watch this again, though the next was likely better overall
5. The Social Network
    Incredible casting.... great acting, great story... Sorkin & Fincher... may not be that true, but so what
6. 40 year old virgin
7. How to tame your dragon
    recommend to anyone and everyone
8. Horton hears a who
    great one to talk about faith
9. Kick Ass
    wouldn't recommend to everyone - but i quite enjoyed it
10. Inception
    It's Christopher Nolan... wasn't blown away like everyone else, but still liked it a lot
11. The Karate Kid
   More fun for me, since i've gone thru some of it...
12. Gone, baby Gone
13. Moon
   Weird & interesting
14. Date Night
15. Iron Man 2
   Didn't really think it would be that great, but quite entertaining.
16. Man on Wire
   have to give a documentary props (not to be confused with man on fire)
17. Up in the Air

i couldn't stop with 12... maybe i could have...
shows/movies i didn't like
2. Avatar

my top from 2009

movies i hope to see soon
1. HP 7
2. Narnia: Dawn Treader
3. 127 hours
4. The Fighter
5. The Tourist
6. True Grit
7. The Next 3 days

really wanted to see but didn't
1. The A-team
2. Knight & Day
3. dinner for schmucks
4. Salt

My 2010 in review

,Our 2010 was crazy!
i guess you could say it was a year of transition, learning and adventure.

If i could only use one word: BLESSING

Month by month 2010
·      Preparing a wedding in LA on a 10K budget in 3 weeks (maybe 3 mo)
·      Got married!
·      Honeymoon in Prague
·      Finished honeymoon in Paris
·      2nd reception in the 2nd city
·      returned to EA
·      reconnected with team
·      found out we were pregnant
·      Robbie Hummel injured.
·      Morning sickness
·      Morning sickness
·      Morning sickness
·      Saw students grow and take steps of faith – yay!
·      Disappointed by the end of “Lost” – boo!
·      More Morning sickness…
·      We’re having a girl!
·      Friends leave
·      Soo’s still sick
·      Elah Summer project
·      Soo spends night in the dirty hospital
·      Read a lot of books
·      Have ten days to pack, find new place, move and get new place set up
·      Puppy lost at airport… then found!
·      Back in America
·      Moved to Muncie
·      See friends & work on support
·      Football! (baseball too)
·      More mpd & Facebook rekindles friendships (oh and the facebook movie)
·      Fall in Indiana
·      Waiting… when will this baby get here?!... and much sadness
·      Hallelujah! baby is born!
·      Our first Thanksgiving
·      Brr… it’s cold outside… wow, it’s warm outside… now it’s cold…
·      We love our baby girl!
·      Sleepless nights & frustrating days
·      Reading the Bible in 60 days, memorizing verses, praying for the nations
We were blessed with marriage, blessed with a baby, blessed with great friends, blessed with so many donations and support, blessd thru trials, blessed by God.

Read a lot of books, watched some shows, saw a bunch of movies, did some ministry.
It was our first year of marriage.
First time back in America for a long time in a long time...
And Halle

All in all... best year of my life. And i'm sure it's only gonna get better

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The thing about trusting our instincts

There is a lot to be learned from a baby.
They are wonderful, cute creatures. They show God's creativity & sovereignty & love for joy.
They are a blessing.
It's hard to believe Jesus (God Himself) once became one.

We are so thankful for our lil Hallelujah.

i'm sure there will be many lessons, but here's one of the most basic and most obvious: Faith.

Jesus tells us to have faith like a child.
And the faith of a newborn is exemplary.

She clings to us.
She has no where else to go.
She comes to us for food, for comfort, for help, for everything!
She depends on us.

Sometimes though, she wants to trust her own instincts.
When she is hungry and feeding, her hands get in the way. She sees them, feels, them, smells the milk... and she begins to suck on her fingers.
When mommy pulls them out, she gets upset.

Soo told our lil Halle baby. Don't trust your instincts, trust mommy.

IT struck me how often we trust our instincts, instead of our loving Heavenly Father. He knows what is best, not just best, but the only thing that can help us/save us/provide for us.
And yet, we look to our own hands to provide for us.

How foolish would this baby be to ignore her mother and suck on her own fingers. And how disappointed she would be too.

Likewise, how foolish it is to depend on our own hands and ignore God. And how unfulfilled we are when we look to our selves and trust our own instincts instead of God

She knows she needs us and cries out to us, she can't take care of herself.

We are God's babies. He is looking out after us and taking care of us. He loves us deeply. He will provide what we need, and what will satisfy.

May we be aware of our sillyness, and trust not our instincts but God

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding
In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight

the one with a trip to the hospital

Here's a recap of our day one month ago... Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Around 2 am Soo began having contractions that were coming more intensely than before. i kinda hoped this wouldn't be the real thing because i was just sitting here laying sudoku when it started.
Over the weekend she was having a lot of contractions. They would come every 7 minutes for 30 minutes, then she'd have a 15 minute pause, then every 7 minutes again for a half hour, another 15 minutes pause and repeat.
We had hoped the baby would come over the weekend. My parents came with the car seat. We had to wait for that, but it would also be convenient if they were there.

Anyway, now it looked like this may be the real thing. i was freaking out a bit, not sure if i was ready to coach Soo thru labor or ready for the baby. We desperately wanted the baby out, as Soo was uncomfortable and we were eager to meet this lil one.

Soo wanted me to call right away, but i stalled and eventually called at 3, waiting the hour... the doctor told us to come into the hospital which kinda surprised us. We weren't expecting to go until the contractions were 4 minutes apart, and they were still 7 minutes apart at this point.
But the hospital was close, and i wanted to heed the doctor.
i took my time getting things ready as Soo layed in bed, not too eager to go to the hospital already.

When we got to the hospital, Soo was a little irritated with me. i couldn't find the map of where the labor & delivery section was and when we pulled into park she got irritable.
When we would leave the hopsital a few hours later, i hoped to myself this was the real thing because i don't know if i can deal with this.
i had to remind myself to be patient as Soo was in a lot of pain.

Overall though, Soo was great- she was more than great. She was encouraging & patient with me, appreciated me and loved me- it was an amazing experience!

Anyway, we got to the hospital and informed them we didn't want an epidural or pitocin or any drugs, nothing.
They were great. They didn't seem that concerned when we walked in- i guess they see this all the time.
Thye looked at our birth request, and i don't know if they thought we could do it or not, but it was ok.
They checked Soo, 3 cm dilated  & 80% effaced
They had us walk around a bit, but after a couple hours, but there was no progress.
When they asked Soo what level of pain that was, she said 7of10. They told us later, she was still in mild/moderate stage.

Soo was falling asleep at this point in between contractions, and the sent us home. They did think it was early labor.
We came back, called our parents, ordered plane tickets for her mom and fell asleep.
Around noon, i grabbed something to eat and asked Soo to eat, but she wasn't having anything.

Right then, when it seemed to be getting harder, one of Soo's friends called - and told her to get an epidural. Almost yelling at her.
Not what she needed. Especially not then.

Honestly,  i thought Soo could do it.

i wan't always that way.

When Soo first talked about it, i was surprised. i just assumed she would take drugs- all the drugs she could get!
Why wouldn't she?
And i also felt she had a low pain tolerance.
But Soo really wanted to do it.
i didn't believe all the propaganda the books we were reading were selling. i don't think hospitals are evil. And i don't think she would have to take so many drugs that she'd be out for a week.
But it was natural, certainly feasible, and better for the baby.

And now, i am the coach and supposed to be the one who inspires her to keep going.
i didn't promise her i would - but i would try.
And, in that moment- i was confident.

i went online and read that the early stage could last 12 hours. The middle stage would last a few, and the last stage may be more intense, but really quick. An then the pushing stage.
The boook we read said if you get to the point where you can't take it anymore, then you're probably almost done.

Then 2 o'clock, 12 hours after the original, her contractions got more intense. She had a bloody show and we headed back to the hospital. IT was 4:30. She was 7cm dilated.
They offered her a birthing ball and a whirlpool.
We didn't even use the birthing ball... and not really the whirlpool. But she did get into the hot tub and that helped A LOT!
She looked pretty miserable, but also calm.
She was pretty much ready to push, but the nurses weren't having it.
i called my parents at 5 and told them to come- the baby is coming!

We pulled out and they checked again 9 cm dilated, a minute later 9.5cm.... Soo was ready to push, they weren't sure. Her water hadn't broken yet.

They had the IV in, just in case, shocked we were going to at least use pitocin...

i was coaching. All i was really doing: "Relax, keep breathing. Relax your forehead, relax your eyes, relax your cheeck, keep your jaw slack, no clenching anywhere... relax you neck, shoulders, arms...keep breathing, let your body work for you. good, good. You're doing great honey"

And she was.

Really, i think i just focused on her relaxing her forehead. i would watch her hands i guess too, just in case, but she was fine.
i tried saying a few Bible verses, but it seemed weird. And i don't know how helpful that would be. i certainly was praying though.

A few seconds later they checked again, and found some meconium. They called the NICU. i told Soo not to worry, though, i was a little concerned.
A few seconds later, our doctor arrived- just in time to push the baby out.
Soo did great.
And in 40 minutes, Halle was born!

i did my best not to look at anything. i saw a bit, but i didn't faint.
The Doctor said i see black hair- which was the only thing we knew about the baby.
She had a lot of hair- which explains why Soo had so much heartburn.

When the baby came Soo's expression was one of relief & joy & wonder.
It was still all surreal to me.
No problems with the baby.

i did not cut the cord.
i did give her her first bath.
There were visitors in the room then- they (Corey, Steph, Whitney & Julie) were there in the room with us, just an hour after birth.
Soo was vibrant. A lot of stitches, but full of joy. The baby was attnetive too.

May parnets came around 11pm, and they couldn't believe how focused Halle seemed to be, just looking at us.
She is a bright one!

pictures here or more on facebook

The hospital was great. Our doctor was great.
Muncie was great.
We were so blessed!
And blessed by the baby most of all!

Our Lil Hallelujah

She is one month old, pictures are up on facebook, many have come to visit, but let me post a blog with an announcement notice for those who missed it

Halle Elizabeth James
Born Tuesday November 9, 2010
at 8:06 pm
6lbs 12 oz
19 in long
with a full head of hair!

She is beautiful!

Our lil one has arrived, we no longer have to imagine what she will look like, no longer have to wait for her. We can see her, hold her, love on her.

She is my lil Hallelujah. Our Halle Baby.
(see why we picked her name)
We’re so happy.
More pics on facebook, but here are a few