
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the one with memory verses

Last week a friend sent me a list of verses i could read to Soo during labor. It was great!

i knew several of the references - but i couldn't remember the verse! Others i would read and was like i should know that.

When i was younger i was in AWANA clubs and memorized a lot of verses.
Back then it was kind of a game.
But now i know Scripture memory isn't a game. It's part of the WAR!
Jesus used Scripture to fight off the devil when He was being tempted.
And my favorite memory verses to start with is this: Psalm 119:11:
     "Thy Word I have hidden in my heart that I may not sin against You"

i was struck by how little i had remembered. i used to spend a lot of time in God's word: so that even when i wasn't actively memorizing, i remembered things. And at time i worked hard to memorize.
At one point i said this is my new favorite verse and this is my new favorite verse and my friend Greg said "Yeah my favorite verse changes every time i read the Bible." There is so much good stuff in there!

i think i fell into that stage of cynicism, that so many slightly older Christians fall into.
i can look at new Christians or New Staff and just think it's a stage...
Really, i love being around New Christians- they bring life to me. i need to feed of their zeal, enthusiasm and excitement.

But maybe now i can rub off some on you.

i made a list of 100 verses(passages) to memorize & meditate on.
Soo & i will be working on one a day.
Will you accept this challenge with us?
We'd love for you to join us. We could give each other accountability. We could talk about it together. We can encourage one another.

Who's in?

Verses to memorize
1.     Psalm 73:25-26
2.     Philipians 3:7-8
3.     Eph 3:14-21
4.     Matt 11:28-30
5.     Pslam 16:6
6.     Det 6:4-9
7.     Psalm 63:3-4
8.     Psalm 34:8-10
9.     Col 3:15-17
10. Col 3:1-4
11. Phil 3:12-14
12. Psalm 19:14
13. Psalm 20:7
14. Deut 8:2-3
15. Col 3:12-14
16. Lam 3:21-23
17. Jeremiah 29:13
18. Phil 1:9-11
19. Deut 30:15-20 (Deut 11:26-28)
20. Heb 9:11-14
21. Heb 11:13-16
22. Romans 13:8
23. Romans 13:14
24. Deut 8:1-10
25. Deut 7:6-9
26. I Peter 1:13-16
27. Psalm 16:8-9
28. Deut 8:11-20
29. Deut 6:10-12
30. Psalm 63:7-8
31. Psalm 37:3-7
32. Pslam 99
33. Lam 3:24
34. Deut 6:13-15
35. II Cor 5:18-20
36. Deut 30:11,14
37. Psalm 96:3, 10a
38. Isaiah 40:8
39. Col 1:9-12
40. Ezekial 35:25-27
41. Isaiah 41:10
42. Psalm 13
43. Psalm 95:1-7
44. Col 2:20-23
45. Philipians 3:7-11
46. Psalm 34:1-3
47. Joshua 24:14-15
48. Jude 24-25
49. Matt 6:19-21
50. Col 2:6-7
51. Prv 3:3
52. Ezekail 33:11
53. Isaiah 55:1-2
54. Deut 7:6-11
55. I Cor 2:1-2,5
56. Eph 1:15-22
57. Rev 19:6-9
58. Rev 19:10
59. Matt 5:13-16
60. Psalm 63:1
61. Rom 8:37
62. I Peter 1:3-9
63. Pslam 16:1-2,5
64. Psalm 96:7-9
65. James 1:2-4
66. Joshua 24:23-24
67. Psalm 100
68. II Cor 4:8-10
69. Isaiah 40:18-19, 21-23,28-31
70. Psalm 96:4-5
71. Isaiah 40:12-17
72. James 4:6-7
73. Prov 3:7
74. Ezekial 34:11-16
75. Deut 10:16
76. Deut 10:12-13
77. II Cor 2:14-17
78. Psalm 33:16-17
79. James 3:13-18
80. Psalm 1
81. Psalm 31:1-3
82. Isaiah 43:1-7
83. Isaiah 55:6-7
84. Isaiah 45:22
85. Deut 11:18-23
86. Lam 3:25-26
87. Phil 1:27
88. I Peter 3:8
89. Romans 15:5-6
90. Romans 14:19; 15:2
91. Lam 3:31-33
92. Psalm 32:1-5
93. Psalm 33:18-22
94. Psalm 31:7-8
95. James 1:17
96. I Peter 2:9-10
97. I Peter 2:11
98. I Pet 4:7-10
99. James 4:17
100. I Timothy 6:11-12

We already started... and may not do it in exact order (We're reading Godward life by Piper and i'm studying Isaiah - so that may influence us).
So, who's in?

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