Here's a recap of our day one month ago... Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Around 2 am Soo began having contractions that were coming more intensely than before. i kinda hoped this wouldn't be the real thing because i was just sitting here laying sudoku when it started.
Over the weekend she was having a lot of contractions. They would come every 7 minutes for 30 minutes, then she'd have a 15 minute pause, then every 7 minutes again for a half hour, another 15 minutes pause and repeat.
We had hoped the baby would come over the weekend. My parents came with the car seat. We had to wait for that, but it would also be convenient if they were there.
Anyway, now it looked like this may be the real thing. i was freaking out a bit, not sure if i was ready to coach Soo thru labor or ready for the baby. We desperately wanted the baby out, as Soo was uncomfortable and we were eager to meet this lil one.
Soo wanted me to call right away, but i stalled and eventually called at 3, waiting the hour... the doctor told us to come into the hospital which kinda surprised us. We weren't expecting to go until the contractions were 4 minutes apart, and they were still 7 minutes apart at this point.
But the hospital was close, and i wanted to heed the doctor.
i took my time getting things ready as Soo layed in bed, not too eager to go to the hospital already.
When we got to the hospital, Soo was a little irritated with me. i couldn't find the map of where the labor & delivery section was and when we pulled into park she got irritable.
When we would leave the hopsital a few hours later, i hoped to myself this was the real thing because i don't know if i can deal with this.
i had to remind myself to be patient as Soo was in a lot of pain.
Overall though, Soo was great- she was more than great. She was encouraging & patient with me, appreciated me and loved me- it was an amazing experience!
Anyway, we got to the hospital and informed them we didn't want an epidural or pitocin or any drugs, nothing.
They were great. They didn't seem that concerned when we walked in- i guess they see this all the time.
Thye looked at our birth request, and i don't know if they thought we could do it or not, but it was ok.
They checked Soo, 3 cm dilated & 80% effaced
They had us walk around a bit, but after a couple hours, but there was no progress.
When they asked Soo what level of pain that was, she said 7of10. They told us later, she was still in mild/moderate stage.
Soo was falling asleep at this point in between contractions, and the sent us home. They did think it was early labor.
We came back, called our parents, ordered plane tickets for her mom and fell asleep.
Around noon, i grabbed something to eat and asked Soo to eat, but she wasn't having anything.
Right then, when it seemed to be getting harder, one of Soo's friends called - and told her to get an epidural. Almost yelling at her.
Not what she needed. Especially not then.
Honestly, i thought Soo could do it.
i wan't always that way.
When Soo first talked about it, i was surprised. i just assumed she would take drugs- all the drugs she could get!
Why wouldn't she?
And i also felt she had a low pain tolerance.
But Soo really wanted to do it.
i didn't believe all the propaganda the books we were reading were selling. i don't think hospitals are evil. And i don't think she would have to take so many drugs that she'd be out for a week.
But it was natural, certainly feasible, and better for the baby.
And now,
i am the coach and supposed to be the one who inspires her to keep going.
i didn't promise her i would - but i would try.
And, in that moment- i was confident.
i went online and read that the early stage could last 12 hours. The middle stage would last a few, and the last stage may be more intense, but really quick. An then the pushing stage.
The boook we read said if you get to the point where you can't take it anymore, then you're probably almost done.
Then 2 o'clock, 12 hours after the original, her contractions got more intense. She had a bloody show and we headed back to the hospital. IT was 4:30. She was 7cm dilated.
They offered her a birthing ball and a whirlpool.
We didn't even use the birthing ball... and not really the whirlpool. But she did get into the hot tub and that helped A LOT!
She looked pretty miserable, but also calm.
She was pretty much ready to push, but the nurses weren't having it.
i called my parents at 5 and told them to come- the baby is coming!
We pulled out and they checked again 9 cm dilated, a minute later 9.5cm.... Soo was ready to push, they weren't sure. Her water hadn't broken yet.
They had the IV in, just in case, shocked we were going to at least use pitocin...
i was coaching. All i was really doing: "Relax, keep breathing. Relax your forehead, relax your eyes, relax your cheeck, keep your jaw slack, no clenching anywhere... relax you neck, shoulders, arms...keep breathing, let your body work for you. good, good. You're doing great honey"
And she was.
Really, i think i just focused on her relaxing her forehead. i would watch her hands i guess too, just in case, but she was fine.
i tried saying a few Bible verses, but it seemed weird. And i don't know how helpful that would be. i certainly was praying though.
A few seconds later they checked again, and found some meconium. They called the NICU. i told Soo not to worry, though, i was a little concerned.
A few seconds later, our doctor arrived- just in time to push the baby out.
Soo did great.
And in 40 minutes, Halle was born!
i did my best not to look at anything. i saw a bit, but i didn't faint.
The Doctor said i see black hair- which was the only thing we knew about the baby.
She had a lot of hair- which explains why Soo had so much heartburn.
When the baby came Soo's expression was one of relief & joy & wonder.
It was still all surreal to me.
No problems with the baby.
i did not cut the cord.
i did give her her first bath.
There were visitors in the room then- they (Corey, Steph, Whitney & Julie) were there in the room with us, just an hour after birth.
Soo was vibrant. A lot of stitches, but full of joy. The baby was attnetive too.
May parnets came around 11pm, and they couldn't believe how focused Halle seemed to be, just looking at us.
She is a bright one!
pictures here or more on
The hospital was great. Our doctor was great.
Muncie was great.
We were so blessed!
And blessed by the baby most of all!