
Monday, February 24, 2014

the thing about momentum

i really want to start blogging again - but i can’t get myself to do it. i feel like there are things i want to write about, but i can’t get into the mood of actually writing…

In sports, there is the idea of momentum. People say it is a myth. i say those people are idiots. They look at stats and probability and think everything works like a machine. But a lot of sports is not based on physical ability and talent but psychology.
When player gets on a roll, they have more confidence and take shots and they get into a rhythm. They are not distracted, not over thinking - they just shoot.
“He’s on fire!” as NBA jam would say.
i’ve experienced it myself. Most of the time i am worried i might miss, and i over think. But when i am not thinking too much i am focused on the goal.

Seattle killed the Broncos in the Super Bowl. but i wonder how the game would ahve turned out if not for that safety on the first snap… i think Seattle still wins, but i think it is closer.

Momentum brings energy, confidence and flow.

Flow. Most of us don’t experience much flow any more. We get text messages or notifications on our phones. We are interrupted by friends. We are constantly thinking of the next thing to do we don’t concentrate on what we are doing.

i need flow in order to get anything done.
When i schedule my time i should have time to do everything i do, but when i look back, somehow i only get half done, and i don’t even know where the time really went.
i read somewhere when someone’s work gets interrupted it takes them 15-20 minutes to get back into flow. They check their email, check facebook, their to-do list… and try to remember what they were doing…

And momentum… if i do something one day i don’t get much out of it; but if i do it every day or every other day - i keep doing it.. and it gets better.
This comes to exercising or writing or reading or praying.

i read somewhere a challenge to wake up an hour earlier in the morning to pray. The author said the first few days or weeks you may sleep 45 minutes of that hour, may be only have 5 minutes of actual prayer at the beginning - but eventually, eventually you will begin waking up and begin praying. Your body’s mental clock will go off and you will wake up without trying. You will be more tired and go to bed earlier.

i’ve found once i start reading the Bible - i really like the Bible. Now some days i don’t get as much out of it as other days. But when i put the time to be in it, i get momentum i begin to get more out of it. And sometimes the things i read the day before begin to make more sense.

i read somewhere else if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit.

i want to develop some holy habits.
i’ve been forcing myself to read the Bible, forciing myself to pray in the morning, forcing myself to say thanks, forcing myself to pray for nations, and making sure i pray with Soo, even if it is just for a few minutes… trying to make habits stick.

i don’t want it to be something i have to force or something on a to do list or a simple task... i want it to be a desire... but in order for it to get that way i need to birth the desire.

Discipline breeds desire. Discipline is also fueled by desire.

For me it is like drinking water vs pop. It's hard for me to get into the habit of drinking water or even drinking water at all. Water doesn't taste like anything. But if i stop drinking pop and start drinking water more, i begin to enjoy the taste of water, i begin to crave water and want more than a sugary drink. Eventually i can drink a pop from time to time and it doesn't interfere with me drinking water - because i actually enjoy water.

i have a terrible time calling friends.
If i haven't talked to a friend in a while i don't know where to start. There is so much to catch up i feel overwhelmed. So, i freeze, i don't call, i wait til i feel in a better mood, until i know what to talk about... and the conversation never comes - until i force myself to do it.
However, once i call that friend- it is so much easier to call in a week or even a few days later.
i haven't talked to a person in year and i have nothing to say. i haven't talked to the person in a few days, there is so much to say.

Consistency, flow, momentum.
i need it.

How do you develop momentum in your life?

Hope you will join me on the journey and that the posts will be encouraging.