about ten years ago i first heard this question: Describe your perfect day.
The Turkey Stint team discussed it. The most fun & memorable answer was given by sheila Settle who mentioned riding 4-wheelers, then realizing they were late for the ball and having a big dance party.
The one thing i certainly would not want is a dance party. That ruins any day for me.
i like asking this question. A lot of people may mention specific restaurants, others would have a lot of time alone. There could be dance parties or games... i don't know.
What would your perfect day be?
I used to say the day would go like this
Wake up in the morning and play basketball with a bunch of my good friends (And some random people) for a good couple hours… (roughly 9-11ish
Then go eat lunch with those folks + have a lot of other good friends join me (girls could be at both of course- though maybe more guys at basketball). For lunch we’d have waffles and some other good eats (rougly 11ish-1ish)
Take a nice long shower, and maybe watch some sportscenter – it’d be 2:30
Then I’d meet my significant other- whoever that may be- and spend time with her and go spend time with God together. Read some Bilbe, journal, talk together, pray together, maybe read part of a book
Then around 6 meet up with a bunch of friends for a Cook-out I guess : grilled burgers- even better Bleu cheese on the burger… maybe some BBQ stuff too… and cake, brownies, cookies, all that good stuff…A lot more friends would be there too- all sorts of friends and like lunch (which I forgot to mention) good conversation. Fun conversation, lots of laughs. And also a lot of DEEP conversation, a lot of talking about God, Jesus, Bible, deep theology, and life issues. Some small group convos, maybe some one-one type stuff too. A lot of smiles, a lot of laughs, a lot of encouragement, edfiication & challenge.
Then there would be a great time of worship & prayer and perhaps a talk from God’s Word… followed by discussion and more prayer and more singing.
(I’m think 6-8 for the dinner part 8-10 for Worship,prayer, talk part, then an extra hour for more prayer, worship, talking)
Then we’d finish the night with some tv shows (at the point I would have first said this: Seinfeld & Simpsons + friends, maybe Cosby – now, I’d add scrubs, maybe 30 Rock, that 70’s show, maybe Sportscenter)… with some pizza- deep dish pizza even better.
People would head home, I’d walk my girl home, I’d come back, spend a good chunk of time journaling, then fall asleep.
I’ve changed that a few times, but pretty similar most of the time.
I kinda realized that was pretty much every weekend for my last 2 years of college minus the girlfriend part (which maybe why there is just a little time with her in there).
Or it could be like Christmas Conference or fall retreat I suppose.
My Saturdays certainly started that way. Sunday mornings were kinda like that with church. Friday night we did have some prayer & praise nights that were pretty good.
Yeah, I had a pretty good life in College.
Later I said: maybe the best I could get now- my best day in fact would be: My wedding day! All my friends together. With my wife. Worship, good conversation…
Well, the wedding day was pretty good: after all, we got married.
No time for basketball… we did take a lot of pictures + there were a bunch of people I wasn’t too close too, people we hired who didn’t fulfill their bargains and a lot of stress… but it was still pretty good, even if we didn’t get the food we wanted all day long and several friends didn’t show up.
We had a great worship set, a talk, edifying conversation & encouragement of some sort – though not a lot of deep conversations- a lot of friends, some good food- and most importantly: my wife!
The key components to my perfect day:
1. Good friends (family too)
2. Worship in singing
3. Feeling intimacy with God: through song, through prayer
4. Time alone with God
5. My significant other
6. Good food
7. Fun
8. Laughter
9. Deep conversation
10. And usually sports.
I added one component later- when I planned my last birthday as a single: serving others, blessing others instead of myself.
I like that.
A couple years ago : birthday 32 I did that. I invited everyone over and threw a party. I think years of parties not going the way I hoped, influenced that. But also a going away party too… and really, yeah, even though saw how expensive it was, I saw it as a huge blessing to bless others.
So that bday, I invited people over for games like corhole and catch or whatever, but not many came. The evening was mostly just filled with conversation and some silly games over dinner- though not a whole lot. Mostly conversation- as I made pizza and pulled pork sandwhiches for everyone. Then we had a wrship time. A few songs… then I opened it up for sharing and asked people to bless me, by sharing things God had been doing. That was pretty cool. And I may have even asked for prayer requests. Then we sang some more and prayed together. That was what I wanted on my birthday. To come together and celebrate God, not me.
After that, a few people stuck around talked and watched some friends episodes and ate some more.
Oh and in the morning, I did spend some time with God… and since some ppl came over early, there was some good conversation going on too.
So, now… yeah, maybe I need a couple days since I’m older… and married… and my friends are all different places, so… whatever.
But yeah…
I would want some intimate moments with my wife
- and that would be after a good sleep, and before… and I guess during breakfast- waffles (or doughnuts)
A nice hour long massage
A good shower
Lunch out with a bunch of friends – maybe Skyline Chilli or a Bleu Cheese burger or Weber Grill- yeah Weber Grill sounds good. (12-2:30)
Then a good chunk of time alone at a bookstore – reading books and the Bible, but probably mostly journaling (with a nice refreshing drink). Then some time talking with Soo about stuff (2:30-6)
Then dinner with friends – maybe pizza (Deep dish, bbq chik, pepperoni) and cake… also cookies, brownies…
Again both lunch & dinner should be good conversation: about God, Jesus, the Word, etc + a lot of stories and jokes and laughter.
Then around 8-10+ have a worship time with prayer and maybe sharing, maybe a talk – but maybe more people sharing encouraging things from the Word and from stories God is doing… followed by more worship, prayer & discussion – til 11…. Yes then maybe a movie or tv shows til about 1….
Everyone would leave, I would talk with Soo, watch sportscenter, journal, thank everyone on twitter, and spend more time with Soo before bed.
Time with God, time with Soo, time with friends, time alone, time talking, good conversation, fun, laughter, maybe some sports, good food, worship & prayer... this makes a perfect day